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FFXIV Maximize Your Gil With This Easy Strategy GilMaking Guide

wormwoodmain6677: These are the kind of no bs guides i need. Straight to the point, i love it. Too many guides gobble up my time. You got my sub

CassiusKent: This is what I've been doing personally. Made 2m without any real effort; just making two of the starred turn in item for the day. One for me and one for the board. You don't have to go crazy.

darkmindaustin: Another thing to go for are the hunt/fate shard materials. They have a faster depreciation (the lower level ones only are good up to a certain point,) but the higher ones like Gargantua hide and the like will be needed in large supply when the patch drops in two weeks for the crafted raid gear. If you want to go the extra mile for a much larger profit, making the base pre-crafts at high quality. They are needed now, but will be in VERY high demand as those who aren't hyper crafting for their static won't have the pentamelding needed to make the items without HQ pre-crafts, and many MANY people will be too lazy to do that. So profit off the lazy!

vio7336: if you dont want to do any crafting just spam expert/leveling roulettes as tank or healer and use the clusters to buy materia to sell or hope for the 1mil minion drops on some dungeons.

Grayald: I don't need Max gil. I just need to be sure I can afford teleports and equipment repairs. And to upgrade my gear reasonably. I'm sitting on 400K and to me that's a lot lol.

luphoxcastl: Idk about that listing bit. I posted 20 of the same item today, but put them in 3s for the GC turn in, went out to do some errands, and they all were sold by the time I got back 3 hours later.

Sometimes you gotta think about the convenience factor when you list. I think the rule he was mentioning makes sense for stacks of 99, but if you're wanting to move stuff quick, you best get in the mindset of the lazy player you're trying to sell to. CONVENIENCE :D

viitaflor: Bro your guide videos are so clean. Thanks for none of the garbage Drabble. Straight to the point and informative. Kudos!

Red_Blade: DotH mentioned = useless

astoria4774: I’m in pentamelded gear from last expansion so while I’ve been doing crafting and gathering collectibles I extract material once I’m spirit bonded and I sell them 1 or 2 each since most people don’t need huge stacks. I use my scripts to get higher tier materia and sell those too and the of course I sell mats or crafted items for collectibles/leves. In three days I’ve made 3 mil

dave1095: Ty sensei Chen my dreams appreciate the info but my adhd laziness however will not be doin that

Tinandel: The au ra in shout chat last night had the solution of just asking everyone for gil over and over.

Jul 14 2024


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