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FFXIV Live Letter 81 Overview Thoughts

ferabitvictor: Bro, mrhappy looking clean af, what a glow up.

donnyyasu2764: I took a big break from FFXIV since when Endwalker dropped, and Happy looks like a whole different person. Big props to your gym and diet dedication!

zedorian6547: That fantasia change is MASSIVE for me! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to buy extra just because of some change that I forgot to make yet I also felt was extremely important!

nightstrider15: Also I just want to say I’m so proud of your weight loss journey. I myself weighed around 300 lbs and dropped a significant amount of weight since the pandemic, and now I’m around 160 lbs. I now am an avid runner and workout enthusiast. I know how hard it is to stay dedicated.

providencebreaker1558: They were quick to pacify the moon cats. They know who butters their bread.

mattjohnson7849: I see Viper as a straight forward, but busy job. My biggest comparison for how Viper plays is how dual blades play in Monster Hunter. A straight forward weapon but really busy with gauge and stamina management.

As far as theme for Viper goes I think its actions reflect that of a Hunter in the world of FFXIV very well. Take that giant snake thing from the Benchmark. If you were a hunter and your job was to hunt that thing, you would not want it to fight head on. It has whip whiskers the size of tree trunks and its body is massive. Getting hit by it would be a death sentence for most people. So instead of focusing on overpowering it you focus on agility, dealing many shallow punctures and cuts slowly widdle it down until you get an opening to finish it. And thats what we see in Vipers gameplay, a fast agile melee job that even has some ranged capablities to deal several quick, small strikes, until it can unleash big damage.

Eisenight: Bro pulled off Derplando IRL. Kudos Happy. If anything you motivate me to better myself too.

standardstep: “Just get in your ley lines and shut up” so true king

chaddiebean: Bahamut went from being the THICKEST BOI, to tiny twig…

kpoptrashmedz9455: during SCH's seraphism their Adlo and succor are gaining enhanced effects cuz i saw how they were casting emergency tactics and did an enhanced succor at the end is what im speculating but overall SCH is goated meaning we have more options to mitigation if only their wings would have been fairy wings that glow but i am happy with this change.

BloodlustParadox: Who asked for Neo Bahamut. Alexander or anything else would had made everyone happy

knightsolaire5351: I kiiiinda get where you’re coming from on viper but at the same time, I’ve been looking forward to a high speed, purely weapons focused job. I think its “identity” IS that it’s a no frills all steel job

youngimperialistmkii: I need that pvpcation on the skill buttons in my life.

I play on controller. And have a disability regarding my hands. I can't use the expanded crossbars. I can really only use 2 standard crossbars. So for me, this is a godsend.

Sibula: You know what? I was kinda disappointed when they first revealed Pictomancer, just didn't really feel the flavor. But now that they showed how it works... It seems really REALLY cool and I might have to pick it up and main it.

The300Player: I actually like Viper alot, this game needed a crazy fast class like that

Memyx: On Viper: He was using a Lalafell... not a lot to take in there in terms of animations. So tiny, they just kinda get engulfed in all the particle effects. Really wish they'd use a bigger race for these demonstrations.

reyjusuf: 8.0 Solar Phoenix :D

youngimperialistmkii: I've been officially called out lol. I've never once used swiftcast on glare. And I'm a white mage main.

aohdakibussubara8820: They’ve recognised dark knight identity issue only now? Really? Damn they don’t read NA or EU forums

May 18 2024


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