PintFrumpyrat: And to the victor goes the spoils. Behold citizens of Eorzea, the bounciest miqote of them all.
MrJesuisOMG: If by any reason, EmO_oticon shows up a video breaking this, soon, will be even more hilarious too.
But that was sick.
fiendangelical2575: Earning the world record plus jumping off onto the sightseeing lamppost is a huge flex
alightinabottle5375: "Just chill"
Azura Stargazer, in fact, did not chill
violetpotato7072: Awww... Poor Pint. No time to savor that WR.
redgeoblaze3752: If I had a nickel for every time Pint's record of the Kugane Tower speedrun was beaten in less than a day by someone who also hit the lightpost jump afterwards, I'd have two nickels.
RyanScarbrough: Bro even made the jump onto the lamppost, what a run!
ShiMusume: Let's gooo~ That really is a bouncy kitty!
Destinum: God damn, the timing of this releasing just
uruhutora: yoship watching this must understand how miyazaki felt when he heard people were beating Dark Souls games without getting hit
ethermelt4780: Nearly spit out my drink at the flex at the end. Gamer!
RilsR: Oh, Ninja Dancer Picto Reaper dashing, well that makes sense.
Zimanta: Sick edit and jumping, everything lined so perfectly and the emote at the end of it all was glorious.
dyshexiia: that's one bouncy cat
soichironagi9993: Pint: Azura, please, just chill...
Azura: And I took that personally.
Mercuie: Lets gooooo! I'm glad youtube brought me here after Pints video. Congrats man!
zemookhajiit4529: Here because of youtube suggesting after Pint's video today. Holy. Crap. All I can say is holy... crap... That was performed and executed so perfectly.
snakegamingtv4458: It's hilarious that this popped up in my recommended after pint's video.
Braiseison5: You did it Azura! You even got the last jump!
It seems like it was just 2 weeks ago since i've seen you climb the tower while i was doing my own attempts xD
What you do is incredible, and you deserve recognition.
Mad respect for you 3 for all you've achieved with Kugane Tower.
habkeinename: i really can just say it over and over again, mad respects, doubely so for doin it with turned off UI, dont even wanna know how long this took you xDD
ssilver13ss: Coming from Pint's vid, what a legend you are, rest up you very obviously deserve it!!
ImSofaKingGood: Legendary flex, holy smokes. But honestly, Azura, Pint, Em0_oticon, you're all legends.
blueshift502: I've been a long time enjoyer of Azura's jump puzzles, especially the ones around Chaos Theory! It's always bugged me how you got basically no attention despite going toe to toe with Pint and Em0. Glad to see that rectified, and GG for an insane run!
Mar 02 2025