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FFXIV History Lost Crystal Tower Mechanics

ArchieBlacke: You know Larryzaur is old-school when he uses that classroom and not the Sharlayan one XD

ThatHomestar: A = Always Be In Belly

B = Belly

C = Come Into The Belly

sunnyraine9110: I believe with Scylla, she would eventually go to the center of the room and start casting a skill called Daybreak. You had to make sure that all three towers were at the max charge and step on the pads that appeared or the entire raid just gets petrified and that was more than enough to lead to a wipe. Fun times

mcstronghuge: ah, the good ol' days when tank aggro mattered more than tank DPS

shadcroly: Cloud of Darkness still has the physical and magical stoneskin effects...people just deal so much damage it can chew through the effect in seconds.

SynodicScribe: No need to cite the Deep Magic to me. I was there when it was written.

0megarez: Playing since 5.2 & I never realized there were stairs there! I thought SE just wanted us all to jump down


marcoklepsky: i can't overstate how happy it is to see an upload every time, and now another ffxiv history video too!? i love taking these trips down memory lane as another person who has had 10 years of their life occupied by this game

WeskAlber: I remember Glassya's mechanics. You actually had pretty cracked DPS if you skipped it back in ARR, even in 2.5. Was 50/50 if a group would skip it.

Full stop, they need to force min ilvl for CT. We have so much Power Creep that probably won't be enough

Ianemscott: I was JUST thinking about how we never see anything like the Phlegethon pads ever - its a really neat idea with execution that fails often for hilarious effect!

CL-39: They oughta add an unreal difficulty for this stuff

RetroNutcase: For the Hourglasses on Angira Manyu, it basically worked like this:

-If any hourglasses were left intact during this mechanic, they would bind the entire raid

-This would then mean whoever wound up in the Roulette AOE could not escape it and would be guaranteed to die.

venanreviews: I'm so glad you made this one, Crystal tower raids do NOT hold up today how they should and I always imagined it was because of ARR working so differently lol.

DirectorHatman: The Kum Kums are named that because they were also named that in Final Fantasy 3.

As to why they were named that there, I don't know.

Wiwii1999: OMG... I still remember all this after 11 years... To this day, I have a special affection for Mor Dhona, full of players every week... Time flies... Thank you for the nostalgia feels !

Duskaria: My favorite part of E9S was the standing in front of the clouds to slow them down mechanic made a appearance and everyone who was around in ARR did the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme

ajro4509: i saw the worms for cloud of darkness once back in ew and literally no one knew how to deal with them and we wiped. i havent seen them again.

Colday: At the end of endwalker, i saw the "Worms" in wod.... The parties weren't doing enough dps, and no one knew what they were. We learned the hard way that we had to smack them. I'm traumatized by that run.

Valkyrie_Veil: YAAAAS FELLOW STAIR ENJOYER! It brings me such joy any time I get LotA and I successfully convince at least one person to walk down the stairs with me.

Sep 08 2024


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