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FFXIV Fanfest China Pictures Of New Ultimate Cosmic Exploration Field Content!

Lyu-Phy: Chinese fans are build different, look at those awesome cosplays and appreciation for the game holy cow.

Alienbreed2010: There is actuallya place directly south of Japan in an area called the "dragons triangle" very similar to the bermuda triangle

saladv3028: it's cool that the field exploration is based on the bermuda triangle

richardwicker8456: So we can say for sure we'll be getting a Fatebreaker section in FRU

RoundSeal: I wonder if Cosmic Exploration is sort of a Diadem 2.0? I'm intrigued.

Nozomivamp: My guess for cosmic explorer is something similar to the firmament, a main zone that your building up and then a gathering location

juancamole9154: I looks like we might be getting a housing district on the moon after a community restoration project like with the firmament and empyreum

Chalk0073: Cresent Island was in FFV

Gatsby3737: Did you just call Twitter “X”?

Zakjuh: If the environment actually looks half as good for Cosmic Exploration, that'll be really neat.

With the new fidelity and shaders, they can actually pull it off.

keithloman5272: Cosmic exploration being called “lifestyle” I wonder if it will be like the isle Sanctuary?

Aug 04 2024


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