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FFXIV Endwalker The Best MMORPG story ever told

godless1014: I've NEVER read a book, watched a movie or show, seen a piece of art, or listened to a piece of music that left me with such emotions and love. Playing ARR to Endwalker over a stretch of 9 months was hands down the single greatest storytelling and gaming experience I have EVER had. I genuinely feel bad that so many people will never get to experience this. Can't wait to continue the journey with the scions. I love this game like a man loves a woman lol.

joetheno87: My wife and I played this story together from ARR to Endwalker during the lock downs. In the Fall of 2020 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and due to COVID I was unable to be with her during her treatments. To keep her company, we would Facetime and talk about how insane the story of Shadowbringers was, arguing about Emet-Selch and who liked him more, how we got the chills with the Ardbert story arc, and the general awesome feeling around that time in the game. Endwalker dropped in the depths of her 3.5 year long treatment and to say it lifted us up is an understatement. Endwalker's story of finding hope even in the darkest times was just what we needed to pull us out of our fatigue of her treatment.

Every story beat hit us so hard and by the time we clawed our way to the summit of Ultima Thule, we were more than ready to save the world together and prove that hope will always triumph! This story will stay with us forever and we will always look back on it fondly. Whenever either one of us felt down after playing through that story, one of us would sing to the other "On wings of hope we rise up through the night."

I'm ecstatic to say she is now cancer free as of October 2023!

Amazing content creators like you always gave us more to talk about, so I thank you for the awesome work you do!

hkoizumi3134: In ARR, we were delivering boxes of wine. In Endwalker, we were dodging planets and going against despair itself. Sounds crazy but it all works lol.

MaeliSong: I wholeheartedly agree and I hope I can find another story that is woven so beautifully in gaming.

saltiestsiren: Shadowbringers is my favorite expansion so far, but Endwalker is the one that hit closest to home. It's certainly a very close second to ShB, and I honestly think it does better storytelling than ShB. It came out at a really pertinent time in my life, though honestly, any time in the past 14 years or so would have been pertinent, lol.

The story of hope, despair, purpose, bonds, forgiveness, cooperation, and unitedness...it's so beautiful. I wish I could say my life has improved since late 2021, but whenever my hope has all but run out, I replay EW or I watch cutscenes or any of the EW-related creations on YT, and it helps.

KironX1: To be honest, I’ve played MMOs for 30 years about now and even ARR has a better story and scenes than any other MMO. Ultima, Ascheron’s call, Nexus, Ragnarok, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, EverQuest, and tons of others all had basic surface level stories that were meh. I mean you could find good stories but only outside of the games in books. So I know ARR can be meh but it’s still better than most other MMO stories in game.

leandrof.m6112: Shadowbringers yes. Endwalker is such a disappointment to me

RandoCDN87: I was very happy I took a break from WoW during Korthia to play FF14, for 9 months I went from experiencing ARR, the great story in Heavensward, exploring Stormblood, witnessing how immense the real backstory of Shadowbringers into Endwalker, bringing me tears.

Brofisticus: Natsuko Ishikawa is a treasure.

barisaxman2: FF14 is something unique. It's Ike a great book series or tv show that goes over multiple years, but you are the main character. It feels more personal and satisfying because of it. Endwalker managed to do what a lot of media struggle to pull off, and that is a great ending to a long story. I am looking forward to where they take the story from here.

lunyiea: I really loved the Endwalker MSQ. <3

May 17 2024


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