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FFXIV Dawntrail Pictomancer Guide Basics, Openers, Rotation, Optimization

maxmuller6791: I love how the intro says ""caster main" instead of "blm main" now

redgeoblaze3752: Well fellow Black Mages . . . it's been an honor playing with you.

lennoliu7245: "Pictomancer does not have a rigid rotation, unlike some other jobs"

The shade is so real

marcusaurelius4777: Waiting for all of the "WHY DID YOU ABANDON BLM?" It's because it sucks and is not fun it's as simple as that. I hope and pray that our beloved BLM gets a SERIOUS rework but putting 1.5 million damage into raid buffs in 20s is disgustingly OP.

Rupert3434: Just a note as someone who actually paints, it is pronounced "temprah" not "temperah" despite spelling. ;)

Though if SE class devs were real ones they would have called the ability acrylic coat because that dries harder.

puppachino: Pictomancer does it all!

DPS: Do yourself a favor and just check how many spells PCT has that deals 1000 potency or more. Check any parse site and see who's on top. I need not explain how overtuned the potencies on this job are.

Movement: Every spell they know has a cast time 1s shorter than it's recast time, allowing ease of movement in slidecasting, it can store upto 5 instant-cast Holy in Whites which can be solely used for movement, has a 20s dash which covers 15 yalms and allows you to sprint for 5s, you have 45 yalms and 15s of sprint per minute. Combine this with Sprint and you have 25s sprint and 3 dashes (45 yalms) per minute! If you want something to compare this to, old SCH (pre-nerfed in EW) had a 20s (30s with Sprint) Sprint every two minutes for all allies! This job is only 5s behind that, not accounting for the movement gain from the dashes themselves in half the time.

Utility/Mitigation: (in two parts, because they have two!)

- Starry Muse grants a 5% buff for 20s to all allies making it on-par with both RDM's Embolden and SMN's Searing Light. HOWEVER Stary Muse ALSO grants 4 additional effects which, again, no other caster does. This ability gives 4 distinctly different buffs. First is a free use of Subtractive Pallet, which allows the use of Subtractive Spells – Cyan (800 Potency), Yellow (880 potency) and Magenta (880 potency White Mana). Secondly it grants Inspiration which allows the use of Star Prism, dealing 1,400 potency in damage and healing 400 (Grants a large potency heal similar to SMN's new Lux Solaris which is a 500 potency heal). Thirdly it grants Hyperfantasia; which is a 5 stack buff which requires you to cast 5 spells within 30 seconds, which is easy because; finally, it grants a 25% reduced cooldown to cast time and recast times (Similar to a limited, but better in terms of pure percentiles Leylines). This spell speed increase only lasts as long as Hyperfantasia does not expire or is completed so there is no rush at all to do this. It quite literally steals all effects from and even has bonus effects which makes it better than RDM, SMN and BLM.

- Tempera Coat & Grassa are personal AND raidwide mitigations. I'll start with Coat, the personal mitigation. It is a 20% Max HP shield every 120s, but if fully used (the shield is depleted) it refunds 60s on the cooldown, so this is actually the exact same CD as SMN's Radiant Aegis (without having two charges), it's also better than BLM's Manaward which grants a 30% every 2 minutes (because PCT can use it twice per two minute window meaning their shielding on 2 mins is 40%). RDM doesn't have a personal shield buuuut...

Now onto Tempera Grassa! PCT is now the second caster ever to recieve a raid-wide mitigation, it used to be entierly unique to RDM's Magicked Barrier; so lets compare the two. Tempera Grassa is actually a 10% Max HP shield to all allies. Now, this isn't very well known in FFXIV but Max HP shields are actually ADDITIVE mitigation. Typically when you use two percentiles they multiple each other which diminishes stacking multiple together. This is not the case with PCT, it is always going to be better than Magicked Barrier which grants the same number 10% mitigation, yes, it even ALSO grants a 5% increase to healing potencies, however you do not need to heal what you didn't take in damage from a shield. On top of this anyhow, when the shield is depleted (specifically on the PCT who cast it) it reduces the CD from 120 to 90s, making it 30s faster than RDM's mitigation, each time it is used effectively it COMPOUNDS the diffrence in total mitigation over a RDM. A PCT will get to use a mitigation 30s faster than a RDM after the first then again, a whole other minute before the RDM a second time. PCT synergisies with other AOE % mitigative effects, other shields and even Max HP bonus effects better than RDM because of this "additive mitigation" effect shields have.

TL;DR: Only thing a PCT can't do is Raise. This isn't an S tier job, it's beyond that in all categories. It dethrones everything before it.

If the Endwalker caster hierarchy in terms of DPS, Utility and Mobility was: BLM was S tier for DPS, RDM was S tier for Utility and SMN was S tier for mobility. PCT is S Tier in all 3, a SSS Tier Caster.

asatowolfe: I learned a lot from your BLM guide last expansion, so I'll be sure to watch this as well when the time comes.

It's a shame we got so many tools with BLM that genuinely seem like great buffs on paper, only for the job to feel boring and watered down as a result. RiP Sharpcast, Ice Paradox and old Thunder Procs. If they bring those back, I think we'd all enjoy BLM a lot more once again.

But until then...

Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

KyMiyu: o7

But fr picto has been a breathe of fresh air since playing blm from when i started 4 years ago.

thyleria: Prayge for the return of MP Tick or potency gain or anything good for BLM on the savage day :prayge:

AbyssArray: I feel like CYM and Comet in Black should have just shared buttons with RGB/White

Also, small thing to note is you're locked out of painting Weapon Motif if you have charges of Hammer Time left

pozziellen: This is the best video about PCT on YT so far. Thank you!

Jul 28 2024


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