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FFXIV Dawntrail Emerald Weapon EXTREME Solo PLD, 7.05

kunstlerischesetwas1284: It almost feels like yesterday when Emerald was the relevant ex-trial in PF. How quickly time flies

andreluizxd2873: Solo stuff is a thing, I can see SE bringing this kind of content to the game, but we NEED more 4 man content like Mythic .

digitalatom6433: I just love having this on whilst the music goes "Big Fat Tacos, so Big Fat Tacos, so big fat Tacos, so biiiiig" whilst I'm making Tacos for scrips lol. And then the P2 music is just headbanging all the way. Makes the scrip grind a joy.

DacianGradaMusic: at this point i almost regret doing all of these in pf as i was starting up, i had my "ex mount" phase after going through msq back in 6.1 so i knocked out all of them until what was current at the time, but these solo challenges are excellent and i'm tempted to just wait for future soloable EXs now

jm7468: I am still surprised someone did E8s solo as rpr.

lukasgaming82: Omega weapon.... killed by a falafel.

Aug 17 2024


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