Norbert_Sattler: It took me almost the entire song to realize that this Eren Jäger looking guy is the Warrior of Light... ^^
jordanrogers9296: So cute! Love to see the Songbirds again!
JunpakuKarasu: Love the little personality additions to their dances.
Like Alphinaud being slightly behind the other dancers and watching them for the cues.
TheZorch: Anime Krile and Tataru were adorable
Vikumax: I enjoy how they are all using actual dances from the game
Kenichi2002: When we get an official Anime Adaptaition of FF14? ^^ im waiting XD
TheGeekShow: The pink lalafell reminded me of Pint. Also love that the characters are doing the dance the devs did at Fanfest a few years ago.
Lukaz2009: Absolutely adorable!
erineclair3446: i saw this on twitter and was tryna find the original video. thank you for uploading this. the amount of work put in this shone thru <3 i love it so much and its so cute to see the Twinning animated with Meteor interacting with Estinien aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aug 10 2024