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FFXIV All Arcadion Lightheavyweight Savage Weapons 7.05

carlos82067: Honestly i think the tombstones look more better then darkhorse one

Dieci-9: I honestly don't like that in the ultra-futuristic arena the weapons and outfits look more fantasy-ish than what we got during the MSQ.

It feels like they can't decide on the tone.

Like, we should be getting these outfits and weapons from dungeons like the lvl 100 ones rather than from the Arcadion.

raviolialamode: it feels like there was a disconnect between the team that design the gear and the team that designs the raid because i really don't see how they connect aesthetically to the arcadion? like if they were going for a "wrestling" feel they should've gone all in with the cheesy glitz instead of going with hot topic clearance rack

derponk: i'm a bit underwhelmed to be honest, i expected.. a bit more crazy/futuristic designs. But when you dye them they pop at least a bit

NorthernLadMSP: You have no idea how it annoys me when they have mismatched metal ornamentation on these sets, i.e. silver all over the healer gear (which looks hideous in that white and red), but then the weapons are all gold.

robertshepard3894: Lots of detail which is good and these have updated graphics unlike most gear

KratosAngelus: Recommendation for Viper weapons! If you do the battle stance emote, it turns the weapon into the Dual Bladed mode, would be nice to see that version in these previews!

Kumiko026: These are an easy pass.

NeotenyPikachu: Its underwhelming that the weapons have so much detail that only pops out if you dye it. Savage content truly is the endgame for glam

Hellroxas: underwhelming but i guess they fit the style of the armors, which are also underwhelming.

Aug 01 2024


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