lifeiaskedfor: Instructions unclear didn't skip phase 2 cause people not doing act 1 correct
Bloomin: Tank strike when
Codemaster238: Yuuup, tripling our DPS from i600 to i730 does some crazy stuff.
Can Skip Zeromus Ex Meteors with 5 DPS, just transitions to final phase, lol
saidbouzidi940: bro thank u soooo much, I was wondering how to approach these in pf now after DT release, pls more of that!
texas4011: roughly what item level were these groups at?
hamez877: need a mmo mouse
user-yl8js5co5b: Thank you! Waiting for P8s
GuerreiroAventureiro: So thats why Ardbert never posted something new for a whole year, meanwhile Meteor.......
Brawneteer: Was this with or without epic echo? Or is epic echo not even available for EW content?
DantoriusD: Always interesting to see how much you can skip in these Fights xD ill still need the E12 Mount on my Alt wouldnt suprise me you can solo it by now
Sep 08 2024