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FFXIV 6.55 vs 7.0 Graphics Comparison Edit

MoeNinjaCat: Because no-one else is brave enough, let me be the first one to say this about the new graphics update: tizzup.


jaylend9369: The ground! THE GROUND!

There's grass around the whole dancer cutscene!

The way the light makes you and the crystal of Azem glow at the scene after the *walk*!

And the way that Ardbert stands out so much more in the light! Gaia and Ryne in the dark!

crowshroud: even in an arguably semi-unfinished state (work in progress of updating and working on every expansion, etc) these changes are MIND BLOWING

in hindsight i wish i would have saved some comparison shots of my 6.55 WoL during night cutscenes - he has dark grey/blue skin, and while playing through dawntrail? i can actually see

chamutime: This is absolutely everything. The syncing with the music, the choice of clips, the outfit changes!!! It's SO good omg

I loved that you included the job quests and the y'shtola froth and foam

cordeliacentauri1737: SLOPPEH now comes in HD.

just1randomguy658: Hey. Wait. Whoa. This music. It's kicking ass. Like, ow. It bulldozed me.


tigerator: tizza

(raucous applause)

richardbeltre3789: well then… I guess I have to get into ffxiv now. those scenes looked very cool and now I need the context

MeadowMood: man you did not have to put so much effort into this but you did!!!! This is SO COOL!! This makes me so excited for what's to come for the graphical update. Thanks for doing all that work recording and editing (not to mention the outfit changes! Pella looks so good!)

Infiniteimpossibilty: Tizzup indeed, Aymeric

duraeusentenu: The only real issue I have are those scenes in uldah, they're SO BRIGHT. Omg I don't need to be reminded there's colour in their outfits with saturation

FairyOfSomething: I love how I barely saw any difference between 6.55 Zenos and 7.0 Zenos. He is a constant. XD

Riddle_wright: Some of the changes are minor improvements others are massive

lightofthelives: Oh this slaps. The syncing is such a nice touch with the banger playing in the background

Jul 09 2024


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