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EX 1 GUIDE FFXIV Dawntrail Extreme Trial Guide

Glennkabob: That tank tower tankbuster is an extremely cool concept, literally stopping the blast for everyone behind the tanks.

rachy891: thank you my liege

xenorayy: I blind progged this and was able to clear it in about two hours, what an absolute blast! Astro is so fun for this fight, amazing encounter.

empressmoni5381: Damn now I cant try and do it blind because pf is gonna say "watch this video"

AlTheiuMaster: To get into the fight you need 690 ilvl. Is that only from the last dungeon?

compscialien: Fantastic guide! Makes me pumped to tackle this myself!

Brutis3000: Fantastic guide! my liege

PewPewSol: I was about to ask how you saw enrage and you just explained it lol.

Ye the dps check is more than lenient it was almost impossible to see cause you either wipe from not having enough mits/heals from the raid wide or you win.

Jul 03 2024


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