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Easiest FFXIV Dawntrail Class for each role!

Nickstir8640: I think reaper may be easier than viper due to the fact that their basic combo doesn't have any positional requirements. Since reaper only needs to use a positional when using its gauge it allows you to be really flexible for movement heavy mechanics

Hugo-MTX96: I say mch is way easier than dnc

raerae3682: I think your spot on!

Decus86: I would say picto is easier than rdm at least for high level optimization, but not a big deal really. Blm is the only caster that is clearly harder than others.

For melees reaper is a consideration for easiest due to how few positionals it practically has, 2nd best ranged kit for forced disengages and quite chill rotation. But ye, it's either vpr or rpr.

georjoporjo3323: I always found sage easier than whm tbh, maybe I’m just evil

arieltorres3594: Well here it is, he said it. This why they butchered drk, because people kept saying it was the hardest tank. Something i dont personally agree with, they kept saying its too busy, and i think SE took that to heart and now beleive a "busy" class is hard. For me, i beleive it was copium, drk being one of the most popular tanks accross all skill lvs, so i think they wanted to beleive its the hardest.

xierotron: DRK is easier than warrior, as Xeno says its just 1,2,3 bloodspiller then hit all ogcds in any order, warrior has infuriate management and if you're skilled,like me, you can get off 3 during a burst window

Seth6097: Warrior ez mode

mocherdoker: dude your room in game looks SO NICE, you gotta do a house tour sometime lol

KurisuHan: As one of the higher ranked warriors this tier, I think that DRK is a lot easier. WAR has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling while DRK is just easy once you learn the 2 and 1 minute bursts. GNB is def the hardest

SicilianoFilms: Why do so many FFXIV content creators "roleplay" as their character talking in the video? It's not creative, it's played out and it's dumb.

Just present the info. I don't need to see your character talking to me.

This video could be half the length and still get the info across.

Sep 19 2024


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