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Early Impressions FFXIV Dawntrail

admiraloreo: Man if only Wuk Lumat was interesting

OldManDoom: Relegating our character to an afterthought in our own story, especially when the character we are “mentoring” is so incompetent, unlikable and poorly implemented is not brilliant

The massive number of awful reviews on steam and thread after thread on the forums talking about what an awful and boring story this expac is are not all just haters and lying.

The toxic positivity of the usual suspects can’t just fairy dust the major issues of the expansion away.

Balmung didn’t have even a slight queue wait on launch day. There is your sign. This fawning and gushing over a below average MSQ is even worse than anyone who is being accused of just hating on the game

Wuk Lamat sucks, and that is all square’s fault. My WoL would never be proud or happy to be the mentor of such an awful, trash character. And I am not even given a choice to resist. Dawntrail has failed to present an enjoyable story

porecemusnox8805: How often can we talk to three locals? :<

richs.500: Regarding the graphics update, I can assure you that the game looks incredible on PS5. I expected improvement, but not to the degree they went. Everything looks SO much better, and I couldn't be happier.

masterdeathize: We are not looked to be a mentor. So far wuk has never looked to us and been like “hey person who adventured past the stars and fought the gods, how can I become a better person.” It’s been “help me do these things and talk to these people” we are looked to as a side cast char. We are a glorified retainer doing side quest and fetching bull until it’s actually time to fight.

Heck, I don’t even know why we agreed to help her. We don’t know her, her land or anything but we meet her one day and go “eh why not you can rule and I’ll help” it’s just bad writing.

kippy657: The msq writing feels more designed like a XI expansion. In XI you were never really the "hero" of the story as much as the adventurer the main cast leaned and confided in. Never the focal point or reason the story progressed.

OuchXXI: Wuktrail is worse than Stormblood.

Synthpopper: Can't belive they actually gave us Stormblood 2 immediately after Shadowbringers 2 (Golbez saga), the madlads.

medekhgui: I've finished the story. Didn't skip a single Cutscene, or Dialog box, and read everything every side character had to say before progressing the MSQ.

I liked nearly everything about the story. Except Wuk Lamat. She never progresses past the "I'm going to be Hokage!" Phase. It's so cringey, and the rest of the story deserved better. I like her voice and VA, but her writing is horrendous.

Coffee219-jo4gh: Well, we're all entitled to our opinions I suppose. For me this is the worst expansion out of all of them. It's hard to be invested in a story where you never build a connection with the characters. There's no heart-to-heart moments really where you peel back the curtain on Wuk so what you're left with is a whiny, childish, and annoying person you are basically escorting around doing trivial fetch quests or other monotonous things. The story dungeons are way too over tuned. To the point where if you aren't skilled or are just new to the game, it might be impossible to clear which will put strain on groups. It's more of the same stuff in regard to content with not enough change or hype to warrant much excitement. The new jobs are pretty cool though.

nucah7880: What you consider brilliant with our character being sidelined for Wuk, i consider the exact opposite. It has made this expansion FAR less enjoyable than previous expansions. Playing second fiddle to a character Im not even that big of a fan of was not a good decision in my opinion.

Jul 06 2024


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