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Dont forget to eat food! finalfantasy14 ffxivmemes ffxiv finalfantasyxiv ff14memes ff14

guidoblok: If an animal eats out loud its somehow satisfying, and when a human does its the worst sound to listen to.

pullsane: I am of the strong believe that there is nothing more painful than to realize you forgot to activate HOB II and didn't eat before doing leveling roulette

Theastralwolf13: For the tacos!

linkagex500: Every once in a while I forget! nom nom

Xport9: Gotta stay healthy during those fights.

HayTatsuko: I hear Squadron Battle Manuals are right tasty, but I think my guy may be a little confused as to their proper application.

giojay4008: Hehe

agavadamn: NOM NOMS~!

zelos1826: Om nom nom~

saiyanelitegaming: Om nom, gimme that exp and stat boost pls. Can i have another?

crittomato7043: Nom

Sep 23 2024


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