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Did you see the Mountain Dew X FFXIV Collab?

amsnow2526: Shirt reads: 'I destroyed my kidneys for this mount'

blacksunstudios1147: Of all the collaborations I legit didn't expect that...despite that we know Mountain Dew being THE OG gamer collaborator.

ruick78: Me: this so silly

Mtn dew: we have mount, mountain zu

Me: fuck my one addiction mounts buy 6 bottels of mtn dew

josec.6394: FF14 promoting obesity (I want that mount)

Steve-YT383: Baja Blast is superior

atomicTictacs: the best part about the mountain zu mount is the lore/flavor text behind it LMAO

Dentere: Still think they missed the bus on not having "Bahamut Blast" in the campaign.

DewoftheDutch: I drank Dew. I never gave anyone permission for this!

bellringer53: There is no 20oz left in my stores. Im not even gonna try for this lol

johnaldridge83: "That's my secret Cap, I'm already drinking Mountain Dew"

MrWillipea: Please I really want a " it's... Liquid" short

May 25 2024


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