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Desolance Lost Another Court Case and Got in Trouble FFXIV Desolance Drama

JudisHQ: I think Xeems is going to make more money off doing videos then he will when he actually collects from Desolance

raymovizion: "Defendant engaged in a pattern of words that serve no legitimate purpose"

Story of this dude's LIFE.

AlvinY4kitori: At this point you could fill an alliance raid or a hunt train with the amount of people that weirdo harrassed

chaoticparadoxx: Todd letting desolance speak and dig his own grave in front of the judge is just PRIMO

lv.99mastermind45: y'know, been depressed lately, been feeling like i'm not a good enough person at times, then was reminded that Lionel exists, and I feel like I'm not that bad a person anymore

Nathan-sh1zg: oh you know desolance is gonna be watching this vid and reading all the comments too

muovikallo: Lieonel's getting ganked lmaoooo

thechin9241: Can you imagine being the poor bastard that has to share a cell with this guy

twylxght: I'm sorry, as a black person, we, as a collective, DO NOT CLAIM HIM.

j0shimitsu: One of the best parts of this video is the music playing in the background lmaooo

OrbitalDeathRay: it’s really amazing that Lionel doesn’t forget how to breathe on an hourly basis.

kunstlerischesetwas1284: People like Lionel are awesome. They inspire me to get my shit together, so that i can get as far apart as possible from individuals like him.

Oizys0miseria: Ok, im all for Lionel getting destroyed by lawyers, but i hate this thumbnail lol

tylerstewart3181: By the way, Lionel still has some videos up that violate the court orders. "Pedosys Keks" is the channel name.

rodrigomoreira2629: The guy just keeps farming Ls. Thank you for the juicy content Xeno!!! This whole story IS NUTS!

Harbinger421: I died when i hears that 4chan even told him to f-off

ruggedlemmings9163: I love the line on Page 2:

"The Defendant is employed at _______

fortieznoshortiez: how hes not permanently locked in a mental asylum is wild

sledge3374: I don't play FF much so I am very disconnected from a lot of stuff Xenos does. But hearing about how Mr.-23k keeps taking these L's. That is something I can connect to. Fine work mi lord.

davidbai3543: Desolance speed running the desolation of his own life

AshNeeko: Xeems, brother, lionel literally sits in balmung say/shout chat all day. i have screenshots of chats if you want them lmao

INeosIRex: "I am a comedian." I mean kinda... but not the way he thinks he is xD

DJThomas59: desolance gonna cause his local police to work overtime at this rate.

mena10ss: Yes! More updates haha. I've been binge watching the previous vids the last few days.

Sep 02 2024


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