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Desolance got Banned From FFXIV and Had a Meltdown on Live Stream POLICE CALLED

Jay-mx5ky: Damn he actually went to dawnjail

MissyFuzz: I like to imagine that Lionel's mom is secretly glad that he's probably going to jail soon, just because that means she won't have to put up with him anymore.

Hammerifyable: He keeps making a point "there's nothing violent from me on here" without prompting, if I were that cop that'd be suspicious to me. It's like saying "there's no bodies buried in the backyard"

Topazzzzzz: lmfao the desk slams where you can hear the dirty dishes n shit clattering

Nutrafin-3D: Cops are absolutely thinking these are totally signs of a murderer


6-1-1: Holy shit I feel bad for his mother and the police officer lmao

an_Owlette: I want to hear the Destiny raid VC when the cop tell this story to his raid team.

TheSleyar: why does he even play this game if he hates the community, players, asians, and anything foreign

ardwick8096: "It's just a collage"......of all the specific people he compulsively obsesses over......

lissaliss6716: Homie just needs to go "Speak with Wuk Lamat" more, she'll correct him by just wanting to get to know him better and save the day.

Ty_Jac: Bro the cop plays ELDEN RING? That's a W cop right there.

skrooz7864: the microphone squeaks are going extra hard here

valkyrise1148: The poor police officer POV "wtf am I looking at here, I strongly suggest you start a single player game immediately" in his best attempt to babysit a lunatic FF14 gamer. LMFAO.

xXMasterJ360Xx: "SHE WAS 18!!!!!" "SHE WAS LEGAL!!!!" "AAAAAHHHGGG"

reiryghts3050: The funny thing is after this he did another livestream where he went off on llama for like almost 2 hours while continuing to repeat himself over and over again like an actual mental ward patient

mamashiva4815: he's definitely missing first week of savage, which I think what upsets him most lmao

guillermoroldan8074: bahahahahahah omg this is gold, i wonder how much the cops were laughing at him after they left

MxMoondoggie: This guy needs locking up where he can get professional help and be kept away from others. He has so much self-loathing that everything he says to others sounds like what he thinks of himself. The fact that even when the cops are called he just went right back to doing the same thing and the fact a 2 week ban won't stop him show how mental he is.

gcnubian: If I were a cop and I saw that weirdo wall, I would definitely want to investigate that. That's some seriously creepy stuff.

bxnaxmxxnaxx1914: Send him a Xenosys X Sticker. place it on his straight jacket arms, so he'll see it in the padded room.

HotaruGlaive: "They're not worth it, they are just random people".... makes another 3 hour video after.

Enderlinkpawnu: Props to the FFXIV moderation team, for actually doing their jobs in banning people that harass others in this video game.

But maybe two weeks was to little for this specific individual.

SalemIarna: This is very funny and also very sad. Also puts into perspective what it sounds like to have him go off. I feel extra bad now for all the people who have had to endure him shouting at them like this.

AaronWOfficial: Hopefully he gets himself banned forever. I think we all know he is just going to go right back to toxic behaviour the second he gets unbanned. He is literally that unhinged.

kagamine14: Man I feel sorry for him in the sense that he desperately needs therapy. I feel a lot more sorry for his mother who definitely has to deal with this more regularly.

People lash out when they’re mad, and some people do it on a level that is magnitudes higher than what was said/done to them in the first place. It’s unhealthy, and using autism as a shield is not appropriate. If it’s so bad and deliberating, seek help, and sometimes certain hobbies/careers are triggering and you should just avoid those in life if it’s causing this much of a disruption in your life

CulturedDegenerate: How has he not been institutionalized or arrested yet for some other unrelated incident? Legit, not even joking

Yokai_Yuri: Dude got deported from Tural

plasmahandoku1073: As a cop, if I see a wallpaper with a bunch of twitter posts/discord messages/memes messages that aren't so friendly but looks like it's targeting himself or someone else, that is a sign of cause harm potentially. If I were to see the clip beforehand of him in tantrum before arriving he would have been detained for the safety of the mother.

Harbinger421: HOLY SHIT YES!!!

And Jesus... The unhinged raging o.O "I'm fucking done" Yeah he is.

reiryghts3050: Rubber room time


Govakhelsborne: Less unhinged people have gone on to seriously harm or end others, this man really needs to be checked in somewhere or on constant surveillance. I really fear for his mother.

thesunthrone: Oh my god explaining his schizo wall to the cop

PIneappleSockss: He needs to be taken from society. Where the jail time at?????

Also literally over explaining himself to the police about the collage wall. "It's not like there are THREATS or anything I mean... its not like Im saying IM GONNA HURT YOU or anything" might as well just have added "just trust me bro" to the police while closing out of everything.

johnwaters1768: "you ever try like elden ring or somethin'" HARDEST LINE OF THE VIDEO

SuguSugux: that's what he get for interrupting my pizza session

polmao: Whats sad is I guarantee theres a lot of these types of peeps in game.

c_huvaknunh9138: Yeah yeah yeah, more Desolance shit. The real question I have is, DID YOU PET SUGU?!

Jul 12 2024


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