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Dear FFXIV Community, we need to talk....

CaffeinatedDad: Good sir, i recently went through the Dark Knight quests and i have to say it is a wild ride.

The emotional trauma actually makes your MMO character feel real and not just this unstoppable emotionless being.

Keep up the great work!

Cyraneth: The DRK questline (for level 50, 60, 70, and 80) are all Ishikawa's work, with the first one being one of her first big hits, and it's a fan favorite. She's on a different level from any other MMO writer, and everything she touches (including ShB and EW) is lauded with praise.

thewitchiebunny: The DRK questlines were written VERY well and you may be interested to know the writer who wrote this also wrote ShB and EW. You aren't wrong to feel so much anger and rage at this point in the game, what's been done to the WoL is completely unfair. Forge ahead, my friend.

TruthSeeker777: oooo boy, if you like the dark knight questline. Wait till you get to shadowbringers and endwalker. There is alot of Carl Jung in this story.

PapaPyrite: The DRK quest has the same twist as Fight Club. It's kinda disappointing if you catch on early that people never address Fray, because that makes it kinda obvious. Even when he's the one who yells at people, they only tell YOU to calm down. Fray even takes one of the more iconic lines from the movie:

Fray says "Only when you have renounced everything are you free to do anything."

The line from Fight Club is "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."

thed4rknss673: You gonna love the rest of the Questline, and the side quest "Our Closure" that you unlock after lvl 80

Urielthalas: There are so many deep philosophies in this game. We'll talk more about them when you're all caught up, but you'll start seeing them more and more. The writing, especially Ishikawa, is brilliant.

pyro5159: Drk is Tyler Durden

elliondrk: If you haven't yet, go back and read the journal entries for the DRK quests. I don't remember if you have to be on DRK, but they're written very differently compared to other quests.

AlTheiuMaster: The name of the writer who designed the Dark knight role quest is Natsuko Ishikawa. Also Shadowbringers’s MSQ writer. Please give her a shout out thanks.

Tazrael: To your immersion: sounds like you'd love a favorite anime movie of mine, Your Name

Aug 14 2024


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