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Dawntrail is too hard? FFXIV

Jahkrel: These normal raids have me so excited for the future of the game. They are focusing on good gameplay. I think people are just not used to dying in a duty anymore. I think people will adjust this seems like a knee jerk reaction. Also everyone is undergeared and its fresh content you are supposed to die alot. Just have a laugh at the chaos and enjoy new gear will fix any casual player issues in the long run.

Joe-it2dh: Later on in the post the OP says that they are okay with themselves failing and dying to mechanics but "cant handle" when other people fail and die. This post was by someone who will never be satisfied and honestly should find a different genre to play because MMO's are meant to be played with other people and thats too much for that OP.

IKIGAIofficial: Pls devs dont make the bosses braindead again because of these guys. Dawntrails been a huge step up in fun and engagement!

stationearth2532: ngl everyone who complains about this....its a skill issue and maybe try to get better? i never done any extreme content before dawntrail and i got through the story easily. yes u had to wipe and learn a couple times at some bosses but it wasnt that hard at all. and yesterday after wiping for 2.5hours i completed my first extreme. stop complaining and use ur brains...ur smart enough im sure of it :)

NotTheWheel: I wrote a really encouraging post to this person in the forums.

I don't believe that content in FF14 or any MMO isn't "for you"

Everyone is a human being, we all adapt and we're all on different steps of that journey.

Nothing worth achieving is without errors or shortcomings. We may be bloodied sometimes, but we are unbowed.

LordXenon54: Then there are the players who are trying to improve and work up the confidence to attempt the harder content. Having content of a more moderate difficulty helps such people learn the skills needed to attempt such content. It's a good learning curve. Shouldn't we all be trying to improve in whatever we love to do?

brandohernandez9991: Don’t be scared to fail! If they curse and swear at you, while you explain your situation just report them and block them you don’t want that toxic non healthy energy gaming in the future

drewlarsen5226: My mom is 76 and while it takes her longer to get it then a lot of people but she can do the normal stuff just fine and going to do the raid Sunday

pomnek: I usually play healer to go around queues but also so I can help people that sometimes struggle because its easier for me to keep everyone alive rather that random healers dying and then wipe, but it's insane to me that people think this is "hard" coming from other mmos this is regular difficulty or even "Easy" difficulty and tbh it's not even that "hard" you just have to pay attention because it's insane how many people don't pay attention and start complaining before even trying to understand and nomral raids are ok in difficulty yeah they have a lot of mechanics for a lot of people specially casual players, but there's nothing wrong with dying and trying again I would say its even better to die and learn than to die and quit because you get mad at the game, if you wipe try to let the group know if you understood the mechanic and someone else didn't that's why we play as a party so we can all learn and help each other

MegaKaims: Theres an easy response to these kinds of posts: Casual doesnt mean EASY, casual means low commitment content!

Meaning that by design every piece of content in the game has been designed to be beatable given "ENOUGH" time. Yes, even your granny could beat the hardest Ultimate in the game if they would dedicate enough time to learn, practice and execute what is needed to beat that content. Well of course the time needed to to beat it might take ages, even years possibly but still by design its possible.

What this person is unhappy about is that they feel like they should be able to enjoy the game without "any commitment" nor engagement, and just clear the content without any friction since its dubbed "CASUAL". Clearly seen by their dismissal when anyone offers advice and things they could practice on. And that kind of mindset is toxic, even casual players want to enjoy FFXIV just as much high end raider does.

Watching a movie and just pressing WAD and 123 is not engaging gameplay to anyone who is even slightly interested in actually playing the game. Not to mention that everything gets easier as patch goes along since parties average item lvl is ever increasing.

xxomega702buzzalini8: Honey Bee in/out is Barbricia normal, The hearts is also from Barb but the ground aoes are in a different pattern than inner ring outter ring.

PapiKamikaze: I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have the time to commit to a static, I’ve been playing this game for 4 years now, I’m more of a Eureka/Bozja/relic kind of player… and yet, this has been nice, to have a more challenging experience without the need of doing savage/ultimate.

NatCr3w: I'll make an analogy for these people and what the FF14 content trajectory has done for the past 3 or so years. When people go into zero gravity environments they have to constantly workout. If they don't then due to the lack of gravity their muscles will begin to seriously atrophe to an unhealthy point. Much like a space station, FFXIV's content in the past has expected significantly less out of the playerbase the last couple of expansions. This has led to the skill floor of the community even for people who do most content beginning to degrade. Its been constant casual content with practically zero gravity. The only people who have been keeping up are those who intentionally seek the stimulation in EX and above content who have been the ones cheering the loudest for this shift.

Now that FF has course corrected people have begun to feel the burn as their atrophed skillsets now have to work and grow. This is a good thing and they need to be patient through the discomfort and initial difficulty. If they stick with it they will get better and grow not only as a player but as a person. Struggle and failure breeds success and improvement. A lesson that feels lost in our modern instant gratification age. I encourage those struggling with the difficulty and personal growth to keep going. Before long you won't even recognize yourself with how far you have come. Just keep grinding and even if you don't become an Ultimate raider or Savage master. You'll still have improved and that is its own reward.

elrilmoonweaver4723: People who complain about DT fights being too hard go by the assumption that players are not supposed to LEARN how to complete a mechanic. A fight mechanic is only difficult when you're unfamiliar with it, but once you've understood how it works and have practiced it several times, doing it in the future becomes way easier and way less stressful.

The first DT raid tier fights are incredibly fun in Normal and I am so so excited to see them in Savage too.

ghosteeniesmith6219: As a non savage raider, it's nice to see normal be more engaging again.

Perhaps to Ivalice release levels?

Jul 21 2024


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