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Controller vs KBM? Chat Bubbles? Raid Planner? FFXIV UI Panel at Pax West

ZelosSama: theres nothiong like being able to dodge by going backward full speed and keep tabs on what's going in front (or having full control of the camera ) as legacy does .....

WilliamJ.Hoyle777: I have a physical disability so I play Controller/mmo mouse on most PC games. It is actually a very neutral comfortable way to play.

CorynSilver: I'll turn chat bubbles on for FC members. friends, and Party Members, but never randoms in Yell/Shout/Say chat

Itachiflameamaterasu: i've tried KBM so many times before cause i thought it'd be more comfortable and optimal but i just could never get used to it to save my life. Gamepad is still the way to go for me.

EbonySeraphim: Chat bubbles I think would be pretty cool. An old and very dated MMO I used to play called Ragnarok Online had chat bubbles and that is what made it extremely social for me. I actually dislike having to look down at the chat, see a line and have to read the name and match it to someone in a "heads up" position. In my opinion that just detracts for me and loses social immersion. One UI thing that is possible today that I recommend just about everyone do is turn off player names unless they are in your party (yes, alliance off too). Healers should always see non full HP bars. This cleans up the noise/mess a lot and makes the world feel more "real" as NPCs and PCs blend better together. NPCs that actually do stuff for you (chat) will always have their names displayed but the multitude of players you're ignoring anyways become less intrusive to your view unless you target them (that's when I have it show above their head). With chat bubbles in this context, I think it'll be even more interesting to move around the open world.

GrafBuckel: I'm definitely stealing that "marking boss to remember things" idea. I would never have thought of that by myself xD.

mintshroom: I play on controller because I just cannot wrap my head around using KB&M. I grew up on SNES, Gamecube, DS and old arcade boxes my dad would fix and sell. Legit just did not have a gaming computer until my 20s. And my brain is hardwired for it. Trying to switch to KB&M feel like learning a whole new language at this point, and so I think more people use controller than you would expect to a MMO primarily on PC.

kusicostanza8243: Doesn't seem like It'd be that hard to just update raid planner with all the maps of the current fights that you can select through. Like you said if they don't do that its functionality will be pretty pointless, going through all the effort of developing this tool and not going that extra step would be kind of silly.

Stinger0014: Am I crazy thinking the arena is *layer*

Xorua: NA 73% KBM, 27% Controller

EU 65% KBM 35% Controller

JP 52% KBM 48% Controller

At least I got my own region close enough to correct, I guess?

NA 85% Legacy 15% Standard

EU 80% Legacy 20% Standard

JP 70% Legacy 30% Standard

Yeah not even fucking close dude

Sep 04 2024


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