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Classic FFXIV tethers

spreaderofnegativity7674: netcode's been shit lately

amethonys2798: They need to either fix tethers or just stop using them. You either can't grab the tether at all (like seen here) or someone not even near you somehow grabs it like in M1S with Raining Cats where a tank on the complete other side of the boss yoinks the melee tether.

Golemming: Just stand on tether and stop moving. More you shuffle around harder it is to grab a tether. It is the same on ground fuses in M3S. It is not a rocket science

TrueHunter999: Yet another tether incident

Akhelium: Server tick at it again isn't it?

vio7336: they should just make the tethers spawn on a circle on the ground instead of spawning attached to someone...

m.a.z.t.m: Nah, try to grab a tether off of a Viper in the middle of their Reawaken combo

Kaggii: Mans went in front of that tether multiple times like special beam cannon somehow missed raditz and only hit goku

corey123897: Inb4 there are atleast 2 different Tether Mechs in FRU

mfbuxton: Skill issue

1braincellwhm: They just need to stop using tether mechanics. They are too poorly implemented and servers too

Aug 29 2024


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