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Cant help but SMILE! Zepla watches FFXIV Creators React to THAT SONG Dawntrail

ElderGamerX: Remember when we lay there, on the brink of defeat facing Emet, our friends broken and battered? Ardbert, alone with us in our mind, asking us if we thought we thought we could fight if we had the strength to rise again? Then he lowers his axe to us, and the Shadowbringers theme breaks the silence as we are rejoined with Ardbert, ready to face down a living legend that was a threat to the existence of the star? And the chills that came with that first strum? The feeling invoked by this moment in Dawntrail was the direct, polar opposite of that moment.


Treylaz: dawntrail needs a cringe count. Not a cry count.

Max58183: Smile makes me miss Machinations in my cutscenes...

Ephemeral96: careful guys, you'll be called racist by Sena Bryer if you dislike SMILE xdd

1337penguinman: "This item can not be discarded..." Yeah, they knew what they were doing.

lissaliss6716: I wish everyone would stop sugar coating and coping and saying "the song is fine".. It's not fine, it's repulsive lmao.

Silverslate: Naw, Zepla's response was what was happening internally for everyone else. It was just too visceral to hold in for her and bubbled over with a "No!".

Megumi-dz1mm: I was Jesse in that moment. "Yay! Let's build a bomb!"

frbny88: "world charity fundraiser song" is P E R F E C T lmaoooooo

quinnbell2388: I get that they are trying to show a community coming together with each person/group bringing something valuable and the result being greater than the sum of its parts. My Brothers in Halone, we are at war.

serphv6531: Everyone says the song was “fine” no it wasnt, it was a cringey great value Disney/Pixar, Dreamworks song XD

omensoffate: Song isn’t even good

roxas4: Honestly, I think the song sucks AND it was a terribly timed moment for it. I hated it here and during the credits. This is the first expansion where I cringed because of the music and I've been here since the 2.0 beta

VorpalVixen: I disagree with everyone saying the song is “fine”. I would love a musician to come in and rip it apart because imo it’s objectively a poorly made song. That doesn’t mean people aren’t allowed to like it, you can totally like it, but this is NOT high quality music, especially compared to the bangers FFXIV is known for.

moomgmh: As a Dawntrail MSQ enjoyer, I must say...

I fucking hate this song LOL

The song in isolation isn't bad but it is

1, not my cup of tea anyways, and

2, definitely did not belong in FF14

zombiesxaliens: Smile is not only tonally ridiculous for FFXIV, but it plays at the weirdest, most jarring times. It is just LOUD in a bad way. Not to mention how pitchy and badly mastered the song is in general.

JReyesTbn46: It sounded like Christian rock entered the game.

throgdarthebrute2688: Unless your a complete Yes-man, I think everyone got emotional whiplash during Smile at the train bomb scene... During the dawnservant it was just cringe and bad, but it did kinda fit... during that train scene... Hell no... During the end credits it wasnt bad, but the fact that the main theme plays immediately after it, showing how much better it is, killed it.

Aug 29 2024


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