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BEST UI HUD Settings Tips To Improve Your FFXIV Experience In 2024

ssayonshan: Dawntrail added a feature to automatically hide the MSQ guide when you've caught up in quests. (Character Config., UI Settings, HUD)

crymsyndicate: There is literally an option in character settings to hide scenario guide on MSQ completion, then when new MSQ patch quests come out, it will auto enable itself. No need to actually adjust that in HUD settings

revartillery9612: One really important thing that I think goes by the wayside in setting up ui that no one ever talks about is camera tilt. Having the camera tilt set to 0 vs 100 or even just 50 can drastically change how your ui can look with where your character is centered. If you've never messed with it before, you can try different settings for it as simply as typing "/tiltcamera x" where x is a number between 0 and 100.

Mythix: meow

Arkiro27: I didn't know you could disable UI elements or drag with grid alignment, that's neat. While I do have to adjust quite a few things due to being a controller player, this vid still helped me though, thank you!

LuminNox: thank you for cleaning up my UI champ

ZessaSnake: Some really solid tips! Thank you!

smams1222: wow i just finished stalking ur profile on ff after watching your last tips video and now there's another one!

NeedleHair: as an endgame ui main I appreciate you sharing this with everyone!

iPlayOnSpica: It highly depends on the specific gauge whether or not I want it simple mode. Convoluted stuff like MNK's Nadi/animal stance gauge, simple. SCH's faerie gauge, full (tells me if I lose my faerie and need to re-summon, or if unavailable due to Dissipation). Then there are weird cases like PCT where the paint gauge is original but the canvas gauge is simple mode.

Ubeenblind: As a new player,this really help me out.Thank you.take my sub.

Jul 19 2024


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