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BEST Quality of Life Settings Tips To Improve Your FFXIV Experience In 2024

shadow_psych7069: I DO have an mmo mouse and I still use Q and E for abilities, it's just very comfy and easy to hit those keys. Lol

Morsutsu: I have the target castbar as 200% in the middle of my screen because I am blind as fuck, changed it once and never looked back XD best setting by far!

CDMudd: You're not doing anything wrong, these settings are all to tailor everything to your own style, but I find it amusing that we prefer almost entirely the totally opposite settings for so many things. XD

yanoamustamu2390: You can still turn with Standard if you just hold left mouse, and strafe with A and D whilst holding right :')

wezzco_br8169: Legacy movement auto-face target when casting is so helpful

Rolaz: I'm a WoW player so for me i always press mouse right button. When i press A and D my character runs Left or Right without Legacy setting, and if i need to run back i turn my camera 180 degree and run, not sure if it is efficient way but so far nothing hit me if i'm not late to leave a mechanic.

I'm more used to rotate my camera angle than using WASD

Cuthawolf: VERY informative. FINALLY being able to get rid of losing my target if I clock deadspace is a HUGE boon for me, thank you so much.

Khaos82_: No one setting is better than another. It might be hard for some to understand, but there's a reason why these options exist. It's always good for people to show case what the pro and cons of the setting.

Jinny-Wa: Legacy is a poop unless you play a game where the mouse moves the camera. Just my opinion

4NSW3RM3: Another small thing, because as a new (3 months) player, I really like looking at what other people are wearing and seeing how it looks on my character, the character window and the "Try On" window can be scaled up to give you a better look. Just right click the header and and select "Scale Window" from the drop down.

Jul 10 2024


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