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Arcadion Light Heavyweight M2 NORMAL Raid Guide FFXIV Dawntrail

kirigherkins: honey b living rent free in my head

Dukenstein123: I'm predicting a lot of fan art with this one.

NapVoucher: One correction - the tank busters don't hit the top 2 on aggro. It's the tanks every time unless one is dead. I've been 6th on aggro as OT and it still targeted me.

probablysarcastic6403: This fight is a colourblind nightmare for me! When the area turns pink, the indicators might as well be invisible! Luckily colourblind mode helps, still this is a hard one for me!

smaller_cathedrals: What I like about this guide (and any recent guides, really) is the advise to stay alive.

As in, ignore uptime, prioritize not failing the mechanic.

First, being dead is always the biggest dps loss.

Second, it's a normal raid, no need for being extra greedy.

Third, nobody cares about purple, orange, gray, etc. anyways. Really, absolutely nobody does.

The raid tier is fairly easy, and tons of fun! I appreciate deviating from the elitist mindset, and just casually enjoying it for what it's worth.

barisaxman2: They clearly had a lot of fun making puns for this fight.

angryshoe69: Which of the four new raid bosses is the best? And why is it this one?

lordmusea: The savage version of this is going to be absolutely brutal!

michaelbugliosi735: my happy is zepla now w/the puns

luckyels3034: If they get rid of the high latency destroyer floating hearts this can be a really good savage fight

Harbinger421: Her southern bell accent gave me chills. Love this fight.

Jul 18 2024


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