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You Can Swap Legendary Effects! Fallout 76

abethebabelincoln7960: this means no more selling god rolls when you can just craft them

madshadow85: Retooling the legendary crafting system is exciting!


I highly doubt they'll let you put ANY mod in any slot, but this is SOOO much better. This will also stop the scalping, pricing, and people on Ebay selling weapons for actual cash!

Nackorten: Bethesda be like

You get: legendary crafting

I get: railway nerf.

super_doge1303: I can almost hop back on fallout 76! The legendary crafting seems interesting, hope we get legendary particles easily. Pretty complex sounding lol. Seems like an opportunity to release star 4 and 5 for legendaries.

MechaMan2012: Personally, this seems simple and straightforward to me. Sounds a lot closer to what people were asking for when legendary crafting dropped in the first place. So they add another material, ho hum, I'd rather have this new system than what we have now.

ElevatedSkins: Gonna have to drink triple the amount of canned coffee when running the quad Railway

aircraftnut15: Bethesda needs to increase the limit on stash boxes

Lionheart-mg7qf: Me still getting god rolls on the worst possible weapons, like a bloodied, 1 strength ski sword

77Format: We need a setting for disabling explosion effects! They're killing my experience as well as my GPU. Being blinded isn't fun way to play.

FLUXXEUS: DUDE... the legendary revamp sounds AMAZING

baerx4582: Of course they'd create a whole new crafting system around this instead of letting us LOCK in the desired mods on an item and let us reroll the other unlocked mods. That just seems much more simple and user friendly

DINO_XPN: Honestly. If they treat it like the scout badges I wouldn't be upset. For example: completing the caravan story could increase your storage space and maybe a new free travel spot. No major game changes and you get more storage, win win.

VulMori: I was on PTS, the legendary mods seem to act just like normal mods, but instead I'm guessing it uses the legendary particles? I was on a custom world with free crafting so I don't know the whole thing. I do know making a squirt gun with explosive was funny.

Kevlin0069: I can't imagine they'd let people just stack up legendary mods to equal a total of 6 stars. Imagine having 6 1 star legendary effects on a weapon. Bloodied AND Mutants AND Aristocrat's AND Quad AND Anti-armor AND Furious or Executioner's on a gun would be insane. Just having the freedom to choose

Jul 07 2024

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