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Yes... Bethesda is Actually Selling This for Real Money in Fallout 76

heatherwall4549: I'm disappointed I can sell and drop the balloons but I can not display them.

JCee3223: This thing takes forever to recharge in case anyone is wondering. 1 balloon (produces rubber if you scrap) every 20-30 minutes. It's not worth 500 atoms at all. Hell, it is not worth 2$ even.

NephewNinja: Oh no something you don't have to buy..... Boo hoo

hyper6500: Would have been cooler if it made more balloons as it collected rubber.

magsblack8344: That pepper roller ride is a must have for my collection. It goes with the rocket, the blue cat, the golf cart, the yellow horse, and the other cheesy rides that I used to ride back in the early 80’s wheh they were permanently parked in front of K Mart, Alpha Beta Supermarkets, Vons, and Montgomery Wards.

Damn. I’m old.

kingb0n413: Bethesda bein Bethesda lmao

robertlawrence9000: I really hate how these companies charge so much for bundles like this. They want you to pay around the 1/4 the price of a full game to get less than 1% amount of content. It's so scammy.

keithcraig506: I'm actually disappointed that the balloon station generates rubber. I've set up a museum at my camp and it would have been a great addition to the Mr. Fuzzy section. The problem is that my museum is set up in a series of shelters and, as we all know, you can't put resource generators in shelters. As you can imagine, I'm a lot less excited about it now.

As for it costing 5 bucks, c'mon, be honest, you've spent 5 bucks (or more) on more useless items than this thing.

GenericStatue: The slow rate of rubber generation is kinda wack but i feel like most people who buy this would be buying it for the aesthetic not practicality.

joshuawhiting7617: It just works

May 23 2024

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