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WK 2 Science Of Love Challenge Glass Beakers location Fallout 76

michaelmckenzie5477: First no beaker fo you

aakasha9663: Guys, once you collect the items and the challenge is completed, drop the items, so someone else can pick it up. I normally do that.

WithyBog: Another good way is to kill gulpers. I was able to get this challenge done with one Moonshine Jamboree. I just took all from the bodies and got the beakers.

robinblackmoor8732: There are a few beaker spots. The issue is if somebody gets there before you do, they are gone on that server until next day. That is only time they reset.

mayrar.2894: Thanks for the update

christaesser7137: Thanks

JOlson707: Thanks! from Dexpertus707

ravemargrill4228: there is no beakers on my game or a chemistry bench , been up an down the monorail????

psycleshift: West tek

mountainman8602: Thanks. Ive been checking labs and medical locations. Tons of flasks, and graduated cylinders, but no beakers.

luves1233: 1 Eviction notice should probably take care of it or at least it did for me.

joaovasco3059: "monorail stands for just one rail". I mean, we just started 2025, and we already have sentence of the year?! Well done Sir!...

jollyrot3145: Good luck to us all

tommypilger: Thank you !

driver8rws: Server hopped 5 times. Absolutely NOTHING on that wooden "table".

mikedunnet5856: Thank you

ravemargrill4228: i found it on the PTS

rachelrutkowski6638: No more

Feb 13 2025

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