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When does Season 16 END? Fallout 76 fallout76

SuperSundaeTV: I'm only rank 75 right now and I want to get at least some of the end stuff before the season ends.... HELP!

rpgeeking: Man I wish you could just buy the seasons and play through them after the season ends. Bethesda makes money, and we can buy previous seasons to play through and unlock their content. Win-win situation.

GhostRZ5: I came back to fallout 76 after 3 years and damn I missed so much but I completed this bp but seeing the old scoreboard system I wish that stayed man

jamesanthony8438: The new score system sucks.

With the scoreboards, when you hit rank 100, you still unlocked bonus items with every rank after that. With the new one, you don't get bonus items until you hit rank 150; and you have to unlock all of the previous garbage that you might not want before they'll let you have it. Was wanting to save up extra tickets for the rank 150 items so I could stock up on them. Nope! Gotta' buy the stupid gorilla statue and half a dozen other things I don't want before I can unlock the 150 items. And I still have to earn another 50 stupid ranks before I can even unlock them. Not gonna' bother at all with anything after rank 100 next season. It's just not worth it to me. Glad I'm not a fallout 1st customer. I'd be really

littledeedaytwitchvods7016: It would be super cool if they didn't drop it a week before the Elden Ring DLC.

PaulStargasm: Do they usually announce in advance that a season is ending? I've not spent hardly any of my tickets and i don't want to lose them.

WhiskeyTango0420: Do the Score Boosters and Re-Rollers carry over to the next season?

kurtrussell9386: Season 17 starts at June 25th.

spike238: Going with June 18 ,

roubinnick: I hope for the sake of the new players, they'll extend the season 16 deadline a bit longer.

Jun 04 2024

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