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What to Expect in Todays Fallout 76 NEW Update!

Mktgaming2023: Bit of a lazy video tbh mate, you don’t have a clue what the update will contain, nobody does. What was the point of it??

Whoareyoucalling: Skipping to the last boss won't ever be patched. It's a failure in the games collision map when you're in camera mode and re enter to your player. They would have to change the fundamentals of collision boxes for all door, windows and soft textures which isn't going to happen. This has been a bug since day 1.

neoxenia7014: I hope they fix the Brahmin getting stuck on some Skyline Caravan routes. Usually and easy fix if you're running solo, just fast travel somewhere far way then back and it's moving again, but when there's a bunch of kind strangers helping you out not all of them understand.

sebibadboy69: How about fixed the constant crashes on console

collincutler4992: I give it 12 hours before someone figures out how to cheese the Guardian again:)

SemiproShooter: I hope the chessboard gets re added

bradleygronski817: I cant wait fir the new crashes niw that they fixed the old ones

kermitthecrog7262: So instead of fixing glitches in the game such as pulling out my auto axe or mini gun and it doing 0 damage, often leading to me dying. They are going to fix the raid boss repeatable glitch, which every player loves to do.

AlanDude-os4ne: "Li'erally never even be attacked by it" Yeah, no, it attacks you just fine, those people are tanking it.

steventransou445: I used to be able to place down floors inside prefabs but that changed over 6 months ago.

Streaming_Music: Hey, maybe they'll fix that thing where people start/join raid groups and then NEVER GO TO THE RAID. I've given up on ever even doing the raid. Never had a single group manage to get their fat asses down to the raid.

GameMastersWorkshop: From what we've seen from previous patches, here's whats going to happen.

1) A popular exploit will be band aided. AKA: The wall glitch to the final boss, will likely get patched over. How well this will be patched is to be seen, but from past history there's 50%-50% odds that the exploiters will find a way around the patch in a couple of days. NOTE: If your smart you won't copy their work around. Why? The fix, isn't just a fix. Its a warning. Players who ignore this warning and attempt to find a way around... are the ones who always get banned a couple days before the next major update goes in.

2) Some bug fixes will be included, including several that no one even knows about like "Random NPCs shirt is the wrong color". Its always weird hows there two or three fixes that absolutely NO ONE asked for, but they'll always be one or two of these.

3) An important patch to address CTD for a minority of players will be patched up, with 50%-50% odds that it introduces another bug that will affect the majority of players, and have to patched again or rolled back. (This isn't a comment on Bethesda, simply a comment on how patches tend to work)

4) An exploit or bug or two will get legitimately fixed that will cause the low effort players to riot, because they didn't know it was an exploit and just thought that was the way the game was intended to work.

5) Something that's not really a bug will get patched, because one of the dev team didn't understand the assignment, and will have to get rolled back.

6) A Popular building merge or glitch will get fixed, causing the builders to riot with 50%-50% odds on roll back.

7) Atom shop goods will be snuck in from the test server for the second wave of the season.

8) A couple minor quality of life elements will slip in, that most players wont notice but will become vital to the way they play the game. I can't tell you how many small fixes, get added with each patch that simply make the game more playable that no one ever notices.

9) Some random object will get moved or left behind by the build team that will have to get patched out on the next patch, "like a random car ending up on top the Whitesprings that a dev moved to get to something important, but forgot to put back because they were late to lunch that day".

10) There's a 25% chance that something actually interesting or good will be slipped in that no one knew about or expected, "like a random encounter related to future content.".

11) Meanwhile things that got delayed, like "Text to Speech" or the "Cryptid Vendor", have less then a 1% of showing, up.

12) Meanwhile something small, but really good, showing up like Fussion core storage, has maybe a 50%-50% chance of being in the patch, but also 90% chance of being bugged or glitched and needing to be patched afterwards.

13) Something major that everyone is excited about, will never show up. No mater how hard you wish. Its a mid season bug fix, not content update after all.

eddiegesch6299: My game crashes all the time on ps5.

jester915_3: Could care less about the raid since Bethesda gave Melee users a big middle finger. If I can't use my primary build through the entire raid, I'm not even going to touch it.

MrPlumloko: This ved is usless. Why not just wait till you no whats coming?

goldfinger76: Cheers for that

charlespryor1337: As usual they will get rid of everything we like and fix nothing that drives us crazy.

ryandonegan7696: I grind the first boss every time without glitching it. the boss seems to struggle with plasma weapons

TuckerKennedy-y6t: Is there zero sound for anyone else?

TiltedTilterGaming: Tried the auto axe and was the first one dead, if that one even works it needs better explanation

nukafanatic2455: Let's be real they will fix glitches and introduce new ones! They have been incompetent in fallout 76 and it shows!

rod2dodge855: Hoping they don’t patch the wall glitch to the snake

douglasgoldie349: so you basically made a video of nothing lol you dont have any inform information just you dont know not very helpful is it as for the auto axe probably yes i got so many godrolls i have to scrap them lol

stitchfan08: I feel like the raids are too hard there should be a difficulty level

gabe-angel: The whole patch wont be just around raid for all raid fan boys it will and could involve

A patch

To nerf auto axe as is broken over power

A patch to fix crash on console every 10 mins

A fix to expeditions crashing at end on console

A fix to pepper shaker not loading ammo after hitting reload

A nerf to gatlin plasma as like auto axe is vastly over performing other heavy guns

The list goes on what could or could not be in the patch slash update but with out black and white facts from bethesda all you tubers making these videos are completely guessing just to get clicks .

mischiefknights: First comment booyah

Jan 22 2025

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