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We Just Got a MASSIVE Update on the Future of Fallout 76

mrplayfulshade1038: Your mom got a massive update

MasthaX: A new currency, just what I was waiting for! Thanks Bethesda!

JosephCorax: christ dude... your ads have gotten unbearable at this point. It really is too bad. I really enjoyed the content but I'd rather go look elsewhere.

GonArt-Dh: just give everyone infinite storage

Luckykohl_gaming: at least this YouTube Premium Ad is skipable

TahitianMangoFarmer: If only we got an update for fallout 4 to get fixed but nah Bethesda needs to add another currency in 76

majora919: Can we get a massive update on your relationship with Ubisoft though

andreask.2675: From all features they could implement they chose caravaning? Those escort events are in my oppinion the most hated. And now they become a feature?

chrisharrison5880: pretty dramatic way to describe an escort mission

TheRealJacob603: Does anyone else think this guy’s turning into the MrBossFTW of Bethesda games?

hhjk377: Did… did I just watch an ad for the thing to remove ads?

CaptainKiLL83: Repeatable Escort missions tied to another currency....yay

Gamer1990100: No fallout 3 remaster? Okay.....

albundy7459: Wonder if stalker 2 is going to take a small chunk of the player base in November.

garretmc494: I hear there's a MASSIVE update to the water that comes out of my sink

Aug 18 2024

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