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WallMounted Walkway And Watch Tower Are A FAIL Fallout 76

Mystic480: They should really allow the public to stress test items before they release stuff. Instead of just throwing stuff out and like "oh here you go."

collincutler4992: This entire update has been antotal cluster f*ck.

Ticket to Revenge is destroyed, Holy Fire nerfed, bodies vanishing, bodies not dropping loot, stone ovens not working

EZEfallout: As failed camp items go, this one seems to tower above the rest.

sambell8768: I love how they knowingly designed their teaser so we wouldn't think these items were terrible. Thanks Bethesda, I hate it.

auburnringlets: It seems like the devs dont test these things enough. Great concept, bad execution.

chrisyung6776: Well….. I’m in no hurry to grind for this scoreboard at all

facistdic: With that Long Island accent, just wanna hear Noodle say:

Diane, I'm your biggest fan, but if he ain't cyan, you gotta find a new man

JeffKittredge: Just wondering if you guys have noticed the bug or nerf they did to Healing Factor serum? It went from 300% regen health down to now only 3% regen health! I also saw others mentioning it too on other forums. Can you guys please check and see if it happened to you as well or is it just my character? Thank you and I'm a big fan of the page and you two!!

sethaquauis: Quite simply, people like this are the reason bethesda doesnt care about their players. They know they'll still get the money immediately so they don't care about changing their ways.

randysuggs7591: Yep this is the quality garbage i expect from Bethesda. Which is why i canceled my fallout first awhile ago and barley play now. The game has potential but I'm sick of being disappointed an putting up with all their laziness or incompetence while also being monetized to death. Im done supporting these types of decisions. Money is tight and with their quality, mine is better spent elsewhere.

dwestman62: Thanks for the warning. "16x the frustration!" Thanks, Todd.

Sep 08 2024

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