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phoschnizzle826: As an Honorable Mention, I'd definitely add the new Anchorage Ace for a stealth commando rifle build. Integrally suppressed with a lowish AP cost is a nice combination, even if it doesn't have quite the damage of a Fixer or Handmade.

alexeimax2: you forget to mention at least another heavy, like the plasma caster

peterclarke7240: I think, personally, that there's quite a big difference between guns that are useful for things like story missions where, for example, stealth is quite important, and guns that are useful for endgame content like events and boss fights, where going loud and proud is very much the order of the day.

And, for new players, there's the issue of "which are best without legendary effects," as that can quite dramatically change things up.

thepointyone100: Shovel……. It’s the shovel

xdbag7259: I carry the fixer, slug buster, railway rifle, tesla rifle, the incinerator, gatling plasma and a chainsaw. No need to only choose one.

matthewelliott7981: Use the weapons you like using, make sure you’re having fun!

OnlineHipHopTV: Gamma gun is undderrated. Have been using one on my pistol built. Never seen anyone else do it but the damage is high.

FalloutTributeMusic: I never liked Energy weapons. There is certain wackiness to it that I dont like.... Pistols are my go to!

chris5942: Burning Love is the best bow. You can stack burning or add poison to burn etc... That is the only bow I use.

rickymherbert2899: Changed out to a compound bow after seeing the fun my grandson was having with his.

Jul 12 2024

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