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Unlimited Present Farm100 Every Hour Fallout 76

KC2ATE: Also take your time opening presents. Because of the lovely cursor skip jump issue I've opened a few scout banners, magazines and became a Herbivore. Ugh

nikdm603: Do not forget about fast travel mat

2kool4rock: I don't know if it's possible, but Bethesda should really just spawn holiday scorched everywhere on the map and increase the chances of them dropping higher quality presents after all the map issues and bugs that came after the latest update and if not the least they could do is extend the event.

aronjohnson2388: Three words: Hot spot target. There is a mat that works as a hot spot travel target. Under Miscellaneous structures, these mats are usable in workshops ONLY. If you put one down next to your collectron, you can fast travel right to the collectron and collect presents.

djaythens: If you have the park ranger lookout tower you can place that and put the santatron up top. Build a bigger size stash box at the bottom of the stairs prevents enemies going up. If the structure gets destroyed it won’t matter because it’s one of the only ones that doesn’t disappear or take away placed items.

shawnkarter8867: I tried this... it would crash my xbox after 3 or 4 workshops.

MrAnderson84: You can click on select structure and it will highlight the whole thing to save as a blueprint.

invicta6110: Was doing this yesterday, I added a scrap box to the blueprint to get rid of the excess items at each stop since I have FO1.

Something for everyone to keep in mind is even with scrapping you are picking up huge amounts of chems and food with so many stops, your weight will begin to balloon quickly. Was having to do inventory stops at a train station every once in a while.

trismilk: I'm about to get 1000 presents

user-em9cn2il9h: Doesn't this mean that none of the plans/items will be rare if everyone has 100 copies?

oxillerate7992: Legit question: How to know when to stop collecting presents? How many Giant Red Brontosaurus plans should we collect before we need to address our issues with a therapist?

Vallanthaz: This is such a great strategy. I only like to take about 10 or so even on a private server because of how likely it is that I'll crash and lose progress on PS5, but even then you just get tons of presents.

Aug 01 2024

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