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Unique Weapons Nerf Is Coming Fallout 76

Nobodyspecial402: Its crazy to me how there is so many other issues with the game that could use attention and these guys mess with the things that ppl have no problems with.

springnutica: As someone once said one step forward two steps back. The Bethesda way

orthex13: Nerfing Eviction Notice is a mistake in that i go for legendaries and waste a LOT of ammo there. Afterwards I go and replenish by farming supplies. No Eviction Notice means less wasted ammo, which means less farming and, ultimately, less playing.

marquis1129: At least the holy fire has good rolls already. I never rerolled the one I use now

MidoriShibuya: It's these weird changes that will only make the game worse. If anything they need to make every unique rerollable to allow more variety in the game

crackinjahcs: The day eviction notice nerf goes live I'll cancel fallout 1st. I won't need/want the stash space anymore.

elyasafsegal6941: Unpopular opinion here: unique weapons are unique for a reason, and reroling take away from the weapon uniqueness

kaptainkilogram: Bethesda showing us again that they are totally detached from veteran players and the player-base in general...

DmentidJester: Wastelanders can never have nice things without Todd trying to cash in on it.

Eviction Notice nerf will definitely be my swan song.

crazy-tommy: If all unique weapons would be rerollable these would be good candiates with special effects:

- Slug Buster (hidden -20% AP cost)

- V63-BERTHA (double ammo capacity)

- Ticket to Revenge (double ammo capacity)

- Anchorage Ace (reflex sight and suppressor)

- Love Tap (20% more damage)

- Western Spirit (25% more damage, increased ammo capacity)

- Gunther's Big Iron (45% reload speed)

- Nuka-Launcher (higher firerate, extra damage to mole miners)

- Perfect Storm (fire damage)

Steve-go6oq: If anything they need to open up a few more. I still want to reroll the Anchorage Ace.

quadvixen: It seems like the original intent was that unique weapons were just that (stuck with those same perks, hence making a specific flamer.. the Holy Fire) so I was always confused why you can re-roll those in the first place. It is lame to go back in time / retroactively change something however... unfortunately I have AA holy fire and elders marks I rerolled and are worth a lot, so I hope they don't just become defunct.

SkyForgeVideos: "We saw how much fun people were having and have decided to put an immediate stop to it." -Betheada.

games8ful: they better not take away my quad elder's mark with -25% ap cost

ThatBugBehindYou: I just don't understand what Bethesda has been thinking with these updates recently, they finally put in motion a way to change individual legendary stars and then they went and started ruining everything after.

seanoconnor3164: I've had the holy fire for months, it never occurred to me that I could reroll it.

northwoodsjjd8454: Changes like these are just silly, the devs need to pull their heads out their butts

Aug 03 2024

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