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aseroxd: Good tip about the food/chems. I literally had hundreds eating away my stash space; now I only keep what I need on me.

Lordoftheapes79: Quick note, when looking at the weight of things in your stash, the number shown includes weight reduction perks you have equipped, tho they are NOT actually applied in the stash. That wasn't 5lbs of NukaTwist in your stash, it was 50.

Yeah, it's deceiving, but it is what it is.

Chaplain_JT: Delete it all, get nekked, even take off your perk cards...have fun!

AlloyXXVIII: Toilet roll troll is awesome. Everyone lost their minds during lockdowns

wolfsdarkshadow: Put the extra plans that don't sell in a donation box

NewGuyMix: I wish they made display and vendor slots seperate than your stash.

armchairgravy8224: I'm about to chuck a few hundred pounds of food and chems. About once a week go through and be totally ruthless about getting rid of stuff. It's an entirely different mindset from F4 where you did want to pick up everything. In 76 only grab what you need for what you're building right now.

AnotherWun: Grenades, There are so many types, they pile up quickly and you're never going to use them all. Pick one or two types you want to keep and use that work with your build and use them don't let them pile up. At the end of the alien invaders event I realized I had over 400 plasma grenades, I was throwing them like confetti and selling them to vendors and it still happened. Sure it's fine to keep a small stash of elemental or special ones around for specific occasions but are you really going to go back to get them in those situations if they aren't already on you? Set a limit, keep that limit on you. Vendor the rest.

herbertmcbud: Nice tip about stacking the power armor on the chassis. Been enjoying the videos as a new player

NviGWarren: Im dealing with this now. Not my teddy bears!!!

May 23 2024

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