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Things We Need In 2024 Fallout 76

ElectricheadPt1: Radio expansion! Radio expansion! RADIO EXPANSION!!!

leethegreat2760: 1, bigger stash

2, bigger camp build budget

3. You can vote in lobby what the next event will be

4, when spawning into a world it will always have your camp available

5, stash box ui my magazine and bobbelheads keep getting in my way

FATDADDYSLIM: A file cabinet for ONLY plans and junk papers

zombiTrout: CAMP defenses that actually defend your camp. Gotta love those turrets that let super mutants rampage through my stuff.

annareifer2249: Donationbox for your own camp, bigger camp budged, bigger camps, pets that DONT die, a system something like the allies for pets, maybe a buff for fullhealth players? pls?

gsFALCON: When looting, being able to see all the items around, organized by type (all weapons, all ammo, all junk), and choose to pick up all items of that type.

VgAce135: Yes 100% to the account wide stash box. Doesn't have to be very large. But this would truly help.

MrWesleyDP: 1)Things that could easily come from the Fallout 4 code (I think, been a while since I played without mods)

-Vertical 1/4 and half walls

- Interior walls

2)Ceilings that make sense. Most of us don't live in places with exposed joists.

3) 20 people per server and give everyone more camp budget

- Beth wants us to use shelters for our hardcore building but none of them really work well for that. The terrain is wrong and we can't use resources and water nor can our companions live there. Also, people rarely enter my shelters.

4) Make building less finicky. Yes, I know that X won't be reachable. Let me deal with it instead of you.

5) Allow me to delete anything in my camp. If it messes something up, thats on me.

Azalin4savioR: Also in a few of the menus where you are dealing with the misc inventory items you gotta scroll through all those stupid keys, they should just always be condensed into a keychain and the only way to scroll through them is if you choose the keychain specifically.

charleshammel8541: I would love there to be an actual faction system where being BOS or Enclave or Free States or Mothman etc would actually matter, and expression as events that have 2 competing goals. This would change the reward pool and faction loyalty in a meaningful way

charlotterandall8738: A coffee pot. New music. And a new skin for Holy Fire.

Aug 24 2024

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