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The You Have Been Insulted Story! Fallout 76

SomeGuyXD65: Placing toilet paper at maximum caps is a nod at the toilet paper crisis during the covid lockdowns.

Another popular note is "Your the dumbass" for the funny misspelling

OminousSalsa: I love the insult bot! I mean it's not every day that that scrap metal and occasional electronics walk up to me and jump into my backpack.

Tyler-f00k1n: PIPE IS LIFE

chuckcookus: 250 caps for serums is generous considering you can sell them to NPC vendors for 500

pedros.s1547: its a good price, fair.

BuenoMcgurski: In 2021 I had a legacy explosive flamer disappear from my stash, the vendor glitch is the only explanation.

ezra5907: I usually place toilet paper in my vendor for 2020 caps :3

Foxy-h4rhu5: im level 88 and have been wondering this thank you

mrchristopher1814: When I first got insulted, I thought that another player had sent it to me

jasohavents: You Have Been Educated!

insomniombie1: I have the "asphyxiation and you" and "glue sniffers" notes at max because everyone else has notes maxed but I never knew why lol

DouganDruid: It really only affected computer players. Also, the 40k toilet paper roll is the better option

Jul 19 2024

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