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The Future of Fallout 76 Ft. JuiceHead LoneVaultRadio Episode 3

EseJandro: Need Gopher, Oxhorn, Tyr, CamelWorks, and Angry Turtle

fightingddog: All it took for me to stop watching starfield content was hearing matty say they added 2 unique weapons in a DLC after the game only had like 2 unique weapons. When i played morriwind. I spent 40 hours only collecting every unique sword or shield or helmet. I was on starfield reddit so hyped every single day from the trademark days. I was soo disappointed. Bro why is there no masterchief easter egg helmet or like a doom guy helmet or something. Missed opportunity. Then they gaslighted us and pretended like we were all crazy.

BubbleoniaRising: “You’re not talking about something you love, you’re talking about something you like better than something else.” Bingo. It feels like an era of reduction to a mean baseline rooted in discontent, and the sad reality is we have more options than ever. I love the DIY aspect in modding and prefer sandboxes. There is more than enough for me to enjoy. Staying over that target is my only (gaming) goal now. Cheers to you both!

t-rexreximus359: Love this crossover. Would also love to see you have ESO as your guest & also Camelworks

MichGoBIue: Good stuff again! Love listening on the podcast!

raypalmer5125: Damn, Juicehead is certainly a good looking dude

nonamegiven202: I do have to agree on that one point hard, man has gaming discourse has shifted hard into the negative over time. Like sure we always had the subset of haters and Tribalism, but nowadays it feels like people are just looking for the next big thing to hate more than anything.

JoshJr98: I bought 76 when it came out and hated it, didn’t play again for years and redownloaded it in February 2024 and it was my most played game of 2024 with over 900 hours. The game is great imo

GrandpaCasualGaming: Never really got into 76 but I hope to in the future. Not gonna lie I’ve only heard bad things but maybe it’s gotten better over the years? Idk great discussions though keep it up

dpellek74: Dee eee eye has ruined gaming. Including all the bugs in76. Tired of the lack of fixes

charliejusko1625: Lone. First time commenter even though I've been following your content since pre Fallout 4. I just need to say, these podcasts are incredible! You've done an excellent job with it so far and I'm so excited for more of them. Great work!

Sol-Butkis: Star field was the biggest disappointment since cyberpunk. I hope to god they put more effort into elder scrolls 6

ZeSgtSchultz: I sure I'm in the minority, but I miss the early 76. I don't really like having the mall with everything you need in it.

Basically all you have to do in fallout past lvl 50 is fast travel to events until you want to log off.

BilboThompo: Im loving these pods lone!!

JoshJr98: Loving the podcast! Another great episode

marjoe32: Crossover event

Dr9agon: pretty interesting listening to these "view-farmers"

coleking1: The combat in ES6 needs to be AMAZING, with a high enough skill ceiling that after thousands of hours playing it we are still learning new tricks and increasing our skill

XSPAWNX23: Hopefully, the future of fo76 will be one of huge bug and crash fixes. Im not seeing a positive comment on the current event with its garbage drop rate and insane crash bugs.

eboethrasher: I love these epic crossovers on the pod, Jonny. This content is banging! So happy to see you smiling and thriving, bro. I feel like I've seen you growing up, haha. I still remember the dono-thon in the pre-face reveal days, where you were singing karaoke with Mrs Lone. What a great night that was. I love that I can have nostalgia for your content.

The_dodger00: I love these get togethers, with various people's.

Keep going forth, my friend...

Watched @JuiceHead3 from the beginning virtually.


DesertChemistry1979: Great to see Juicehead on here

stevengreen7484: Bro, I love all of this discussion and I’m subscribed to both of you guys and appreciate all of your content. May I suggest a fall out London topic as well thank you. Much respect.

JAIMEGARCIA-gw9re: Perfect timing for my Saturday morning workout

Mar 03 2025

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