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The Fallout 76 Combat Shotgun

SirPembertonS.Crevalius: Shotguns that sound straight up like thunder is coming from the barrel(s) are peak weapon and sound design, I don't care what anyone says.

scooby_all_time: *Me giving 50 stimpacks, 20 radway and a full set of x-01 to a random new player and saying "good luck"

garygary117: Imagine walking theough the waste when you see an anthropamorphic cat thing walking towards you with a combat shotgun

Deadsphere: That transition from gameplay to animation was smooth as Hell.

sagebaca2013: Never thought I'd see a yellow cat boy casually and calmly whistle running to the roof of a building just to fire a shotgun yet here we are

LegendaryHisuian: The transition from gameplay to animation at the end was really smooth. Love those transitions

ObnoxiousCaterer: There's something about the fact that the combat shotgun and combat rifle models look very similar to each other irks me in that they look the same, but also kinda cool that a real world gun manufacturer might do just that cause why fix what ain't borken when designing a new rifle/shotgun.

Krejii05: No shot that’s actually your whistling?

ZironOfTime: i love how the reverb of your whistling changes with where you are in the video! its a small touch but i love it!!

The_True_Mx_Pink: Shotgun superiority

hatihrovitnisson253: Ah yes, the PPSH 41 Helluva shotgun!

Jul 21 2024

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