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Super Duper Mart Bundle Review Fallout 76

richardzeiders5496: I don't understand why there is so little camp space with all of these oversized prefabs. Our camp area needs to be twice the size we currently have. I have 1 primary character at level 785. I don't want to use gimmicks to fit more into my existing camp. Of course I could create multiple characters & camps utilizing unique builds every time the Atomic Shop adds something new, but why? That is just a money grab by Bethesda.

MeTurpen21: I was able to put a floor down, then added a ladder and made a second story!

wahnwitz26: Also someone on reddit pointed out, the display case looks different in the atomic shop page.

there its a 2 story display whilst in reality it only has one

mryukamania1555: Poop on the wall

RadioWaveHungary: The display case shows a shelf in the middle while there is no shelf inside the display. I am disappointed about it.

archangel1of7: Thanks for letting us know that the refrigerated case isn't actually refrigerated. That was the only item in the whole thing that interested me. Save me time and money.

2kool4rock: I'm a F2P player so I earn my atoms and I got the soda poppin bundle instead a weapon is more valuable in my opinion plus I pretty much ran out of budget in my camp.

abbygaleforcewind: I really, really wish the display was 100% freeze. I don't know why they won't do it. Maybe because of how freeze is buggy if you swap camps?

joshualadewig7429: Poop! You are the best Mr Westtech

hughejass9461: The atom cost, for me anyway, would have been acceptable if it had a second interior floor and the refrigerated case actually refrigerated something. It looks nice but my camp can't hold anything else so it would have to go into a shelter which seems like a waste.

ricardocaliman2830: This is a good looking set...would be "amazing" IF the camp budget was increased to a point where you could stock it appropriately!

...just sayin....

Aug 02 2024

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