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Sugar Bomb Farming Route Ultimate Guide to Brain Bombs in Fallout 76

ConettaF: Carnivore here... never new about the sugar bombs rarity. How many of these I've just sold to bots!

I'm going to put in my vendor from now on.

What's a nice price point. I don't sell items at high value to rip players off but to help.

CameronM47: Broiled scorchbeast brains are the same for carnivores, plus you get all better benefits from being a carnivore, like all the carry weight and strength boosts from various other meats.

david-mccoy1978: Awesome Thanks Bro!

reburgcam: the Scout master collectron thats free in the current Scoreboard gives rad sugarbombs. just level up and get it free. no need to buy the holiday one in the atom shop

nukaknights: Thanks for the mention

outlander1321: Wish there was cannibal brains

tylermckillop2339: Is there a Carnivore alternative?

TheGreatScott: Great stuff.

I'd recommend adding to your title as a suffix or bracketed sub title, or clipping out and posting a standalone video for your Sugar Bomb route, as it is excellent and imho the true value to this video.

Lordoftheapes79: As a carnivore, I don't need these, but people will pay absurd amounts of caps for these boxes of sugary goodness.

Paul-ng4jx: Sugar bombs are like one of the easiest things to find anywhere in the game practically every house you go in has sugar bonds in it but then again I server hop so I get like a ton of these things just in the 20 minutes time that I play the game

babbayagga4330: Moss town shack in the bathtub can have from 1 to 5 its a daily stop for me have over 200 packs

Jul 09 2024

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