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So I Visited the Best Fallout 76 Camp Builds..

yannstermonster: It’d be cool if you got caps when your build gets liked. Kinda like a tip for doing a good job.

user-cv3mk4sd6u: This will be awsome to see when its official

anthonyc5525: I love that this is coming, I am super proud of my builds and would love to showcase them to other players

Vic-fy4em: That last camp build might be the best one I’ve ever seen

Cheap_Coffee: What's with our community and loving hoarder homes? Am I alone in wanting a somewhat clean, minimally decorated house?

KentuckyRanger: This is going to be an awesome feature!

mehtarelingolien: Very much looking forward to this feature! To be honest, I am much more excited about this than the legendary crafting.

That subway was awesome, and the arcade was cool too. But I am really not at all a fan of more than two connecting shelters; it's too easy to get lost.

shawnleek4970: There are people who build insane camps. Watching TNG's best Camp Builds and Mr Church do his magic, Im excited to see what camps get submitted when this goes live. Good video Brother. Drive on and be safe.

dillonc7955: I think certain prefabs should disqualify you from entering your camp as a "best build" since the devs built them for you. However, I believe certain ones should be allowed in best builds since you can do amazing things with things like the firewatch tower if you can merge properly.

OvAeons: I hope build limit increases, OR make a caps sink for increasing build limit. As it stands i cannot really decorate my camp and i can't really make it smaller :T

Jul 17 2024

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