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stranger21077: I think it's pretty toxic for the new players lacking supplies to stay alive in a blast zone

pApA0LeGBa: Nuking it is literally wasting your time unless you enjoy hurting new players. Experienced ones know how to deal with it and afk people still get rewards. And seeing the drop chances and that you theoretically need to participate in more events that happen during those 2 weeks, it´s understandable that people afk. Blame Bethseda, not the afk players. For all the stuff you can get from nuke zones, i don´t need it. I need a few cobalt flux for jetpacks. That´s it. Ammo? Nope you don´t need to craft ammo anymore, if you do, you are doing something wrong. And if you still want to make fluxes, there is better places for it.

thisoldebear75: I don't know why anyone would do this. It's stupid to nuke this event.

maxessy1882: It's such a waste of a nuke. Why not use it for SBQ or NW? It's so dumb lol

shawnadams1965: No and its way more toxic than afking.

Flareon811: I feel like if you get mad at AFK players youre just a no lifer. Some ppl have to work 40 hrs and dont have time to grind for a .25% drop rate mask. Also I sell all my dupe plans for cheap so i can share with the community

kylekobloth: I don't understand the hate on afking the event. Some people have work and family's, afking is their only shot at a rare /glowing mask. On top of that the event is easy enough to solo, I don't see the problem

johnaddiego2176: Just let people do what they want, play the event, and have fun. That’s all there is to it. Gotta have an incredibly toxic and petty personality to nuke the event if you’re mad at AFKers.

EmeraldArmy: Im one of those people who afk, because unlike the people that nuke us, i have an outside life. But the funny thing is, i record my screen and have friends constantly watching, so if you nuke the event and stop new players from participating i nuke your camp and report you for toxic behavior, so in the end you're only hurting yourself. Be kind and understand people can't play 24/7 for a stupid expensive cosmetic

CB-dy2pc: The way I see it is I work 5, 12 hour shifts a week with 3 days off to play, Bethesda has set an impossible glowing mask rate, i paid for the game and my electricity so I dont care what anyone thinks about being afk unless they wanna give me a glowing mask or pay my electricity then they can have an opinion, on another note if it makes the anti afk feel better ive done near every event some active a lot afk and ive not got 1 glowing mask

deborahredmond8969: Why would you even nuke fasnaught? People, people like me, work all day. We get two hours to play a day, and we’d like a little peace…and if we afk, to try to get a rare mask, which I still haven’t gotten yet this time, why does it bother u???

Jul 02 2024

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