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Season 19 Rewards Datamined Fallout 76

mattt233: God bless the Enclave and God bless the United States of America!

nukaknights: Thank you for sharing and your support

zombiTrout: Still waiting for a bigger camp budget.

dustingabriel1037: i just hope that the camp pets wont be a fallout first exclusive

MetalFalcon99: Praise be to the Enclave grill!

rossmclean5089: I like how the super mutant operating table is a nod to the enclave in the TV series

JoMamma-v6s: im more excited for the boxes of paper than anything else

Tommy1977777: Enclave seems to be the only group that has their act together. Lol

Santorini76: Thanks for the preview . I need that enclave terminal and work bench! I have a science/enclave camp now

ElevatedSkins: Need a whole set of enclave weapon paints, at least something for the EPR!

ИванИванов-ч4ы7м: Looks great! The weapons racks I think might work with the rusty theme as well

Oct 21 2024

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