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Rare Plan Pricing Guide Fallout 76

AlmightyBigD001: I would like it if Bethesda would show what the item looks like when looking at it in the inventory screen instead of just the standard rotating photo of the folder. Maybe since there are so many plans in existence it would just be too much space taken up to store all those photos or something.

StavrosECC: I sell everything for 10% of the suggested price. I'm always around 30K in caps. When I see vendors like yours, I just laugh.

tonypotterz: I sell my plans for cheap because I know not everyone got time to play

buttercup8932: I don't get the need to price things so high when we cap out at 40k. If the cap was higher then ya

astrobrady2396: I make about 1000 caps a day and all of my plans (including Alien plans) are 150 caps. I do this because I feel most people overprice there plans making it hard for new players

jdean1295: bruh 12,500 for the atomic handbag? I have like 9 of those plans

amswain1: You have the Atomicset Ltd. Handbag Backback for 12.5K in your vendor, but I have at least five (maybe even more) of them for sale at 6K each, and not a single one has moved. I am hoping they will start selling after the holiday event ends.

tico4life: Those prices are crazy, especially from such a high-level player. Im only at around lvl 175, and i sell my items for their worth, and i usually max out of caps after a while. But caps are so easy to make with so many missions available. I dont understand why sell things so high. It's not like it's real money where you're making an actual profit

juricarmichael2534: Pretty high prices..... Not my way.

BISHOP2354: Every plan I ever had for sale, 25 caps even now.

takewhataway: Ive been playing for almost 3 years and I have so many of these rare plans that I cant sell them too high. I even drop them in donation boxes if I have more than 5. It'll just become a burden for my weight limit. So yea, You wont be seeing me selling anything above 10k even for the rarest of the rarest. My objective is to keep the plans distributed (and my weight reduced) and also make other players happy.

everenvious4984: To me it doesn’t matter what the item is, seasonal event exclusive or not, I sell all items at 1, 10, 100, or 1000 caps. If the item has a base value of 50 I’m selling it for 10. If the item has a base value of 800, it’s going down to 100

jasontyler5802: When i see a vendor with these kind of prices Im tempted to visit a launch silo.

danielthomas9212: Absolutely absurd prices. Id open your vendor and close it immediately. Probably go around taking what resources i could take from ur base

mathieubedard2599: I have like over 30 of the new back pack plan… barely farmed the event a day or 2 of the private server with full workshop operation, farmed like maybe total of 20h id say ( 10-15min every hours to collect all the workshop)

Id say the water machine is rare and worth selling for high price but really that back pack worth like 1000 cap

Aug 04 2024

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