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Rare Outfits Guide How to Get the HARDEST Outfits! Fallout 76

MrMorp76: If you see an Observant Radstag in the wild, don't kill it, follow it and it will lead you to a hidden stash which has a chance to contain the area's ultra rare apparel.

Retroprofrank: Very nice video I've been playing this game for almost 6 years now and the only apparel I've ever gotten from any of these events was the responders fireman helmet and funny enough I got it from doing Drop connection in the cranberry bog..

jonparker7784: I found my traveling leather coat in the whitespring mall vendor about a year ago. I was quite shocked think it was around 100 caps. Bless the person that sold it. Obviously it was a mistake or they thought it was junk

NERD-FROM-THE-SOUTH: 7 year vet here. This is a very good indepth video. Yes, at one time, it was fun to hunt down rare outfits. If the rng is kind during an event, I'll take it and normally just give it away to a collector. Unfortunately, the rarest in game apparel was duplicated in the masses during an exploit many moons ago, so these days, I prefer collecting rare misc items and items like nuclear winter weapons and extremely odd stuff. So on paper, yes, outfits are considered [rare] in a drop. But if you're going by the population of these things, they aren't technically rare. Now something like a headless sledgehammer. Now we're talking

BLK_MN: 1. It's designed to waste your time with artificial rarity.

2. All the "super rare" stuff, looks so bad. Honestly, people have awful fashion in this game, because they want to wear things that other people don't have, but that's besides the point.

Just wear what you think looks cool or unique, and for the love of god don't waste your time grinding for some of these things.

Jeremy-k9t: Why would people grind to get a variation of an outfit I've literally never seen one player wear since 2018? I have some of these in my store inventory and they've never even sold.

wesleyclark7842: I got the lottery twice in 1 week

starfoxBR77: Nice guide

soccerstar16ram: Saw this video one day too late. Must have hit the jackpot without knowing because yesterday I got and scrapped BOS jumpsuit and White Poweder Jumpsuit. Kept the masks.

randomgameglitchesandunbox9115: The rarest outfits that I think are the ones that came with atom bundles because they’ll never be available again whereas all the ones in the video are always available

KrosGun: The pool has changed a few days ago, personally I got TFJ in the ashes of the event, Its a trap and two months ago I got responders uniform in the mire from the event, Drooped conections

Sep 29 2024

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