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Rare Items, Ingredients, And Junk Now Easier To Farm In Skyline Valley Fallout 76

WhiskeyTango0420: Good call on the Ballistics Fiber.

-joe-davidson: I'm not happy that Deathclaw eggs spoil now.

CordialReaper: I appreciate the lengths you go to make videos like these entertaining. The effort that you’ve gone through to get B-roll makes it that much more engaging while learning the helpful tips and info that you’ve curated. Thank you, keep up the fantastic work :)

MrMorp76: Awesome guide!

riggs616: Right below the death claw egg is an ammo container with a lv3 lock. I think I get about 100 45 or 5.56 ammo whenever I open it (without any ammo finding perks)

Lordoftheapes79: You did miss something. I recommend exploring The Brown House and the area around it.

SomethingSomething245: I'm going to farm that ballistic weave like crazy lol. This was a great guide

tiburonpereze: Omg im so gratefull yotube reccommended me this video!!!

Genjustice92: Holy that bobble head is news to me. That’s so good

cynicalthoughts4695: Gold video!

-db4rf: Bethesda again didn't add enough WATER pools/rivers/lakes etc etc.. Im starting to believe bethesda has water phobia..

Jul 31 2024

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